Web services/SOAP routines panel: DSNTIPRP

The DSNTIPRP panel allows you to modify configuration options for web services and SOAP routines.

Scrolling the panel

Because space on this panel is limited, all fields might not be displayed at one time, and it is defined as a scrollable panel in ISPF. The number of fields that are displayed depends on how many rows your ISPF device can display, whether you use split screen mode, and where you split the screen. You can scroll the panel to see more fields if More displays in the upper right side of the panel followed by + or -. The + indicates that you can scroll down, and - indicates that you can scroll up.

To scroll through the fields, use the DOWN and UP scroll commands . (You can also assign your PF keys to the DOWN and UP commands.)

Figure 1. Web services/SOAP routines panel: DSNTIPRP
 | DSNTIPRP          Web services/SOAP routines                      |
 | ===>                                                              |
 |                                                                   |
 | SOAPHTTPC                                                         |
 |   WLM ENV NAME  ===> DSNWLM_WEBSERVICES                           |
 |   GRANT EXECUTE ===> PUBLIC                                       |
 | SOAPHTTPNC                                                        |
 |   WLM ENV NAME  ===> DSNWLM_WEBSERVICES                           |
 |   GRANT EXECUTE ===> PUBLIC                                       |
 | SOAPHTTPNV                                                        |
 |   WLM ENV NAME  ===> DSNWLM_WEBSERVICES                           |
 |   GRANT EXECUTE ===> PUBLIC                                       |
 | SOAPHTTPV                                                         |
 |   WLM ENV NAME  ===> DSNWLM_WEBSERVICES                           |
 |   GRANT EXECUTE ===> PUBLIC                                       |
 |PRESS: ENTER to continue UP/DOWN to scroll RETURN to exit          |

Specify the WLM environment name for the routine.

Acceptable values: a valid WLM environment name
DSNZPxxx: none

Specify one or more authorization IDs that are to be granted EXECUTE access on the routine. Use commas to separate individual IDs. Do not use embedded blanks. You can enter up to 44 characters, including commas.

Acceptable values: at least one valid authorization ID
Default: PUBLIC
DSNZPxxx: none