Function levels and related levels in Db2 13

Many enhancements to Db2 13 are enabled for use when you activate function levels. Before you can activate a function level, the Db2 subsystem, or all Db2 data sharing members, must be at a sufficient code level, and the Db2 catalog must be updated to the required Db2 catalog level.

Each function level corresponds to a single APAR that enables a set of enhancements that were previously delivered in the service stream. A particular function level might enable one or several enhancements.

In most cases, you can activate a higher function level without separately activating each lower function level above the currently activated function level. However, activating a higher function level also activates all capabilities that are introduced by all function levels lower than the one being activated.

Tip: Begin general-use programming interface information.You can determine the catalog level and function level for a Db2 subsystem or data sharing group, and the code levels of individual subsystems or members, by issuing DISPLAY GROUP commands. For more information, see Determining the Db2 code level, catalog level, and function levelEnd general-use programming interface information.

Function level identifiers

In most cases, code levels, catalog levels, function levels, and application compatibility levels are specified in commands and message output by nine-character strings that correspond to the Db2 version, release, and modification value. However, descriptions of function levels in documentation often refer only to the modification part of the values.

The format is VvvRrMmmm, where vv is the version, r is the release, and mmm is the modification level. For example, V13R1M505 identifies function level 505. For a list of all available function levels in Db2 13, see Db2 13 function levels.

Code levels

The code level of a Db2 subsystem or data sharing member indicates that the necessary APAR and any prerequisite new function code, defect fixes, and other service items for a corresponding function level are applied. Because new function levels are delivered in the same service stream as other maintenance items, the code level is likely to increase as you routinely apply maintenance to a subsystem or member. If you proactively apply maintenance, you can expect the code level to be higher than the catalog level or function level as you prepare to adopt of new Db2 capabilities.

If you remove maintenance items that support or are otherwise related to a code level, Db2 reverts to a lower code level. However, you cannot start Db2 at a lower code level after tailoring the catalog to a higher catalog level or activating a higher function level. For this reason, it is essential that you tailor the catalog at a higher catalog level or activate a function level only after you are certain that Db2 can continue to run at the corresponding code level.

Tip: Apply the maintenance for a code level well before you tailor the catalog level or activate a function level. By doing so, you can verify that Db2 can continue run at the required code level, while you still have the opportunity to identify and remove any problematic maintenance items.

In a data sharing group, each member can be at a different code level. However a function level is always activated at the group level. That is, if any data sharing member is not at the minimum required code level when you attempt to activate a function level, the ACTIVATE command fails. The DSNU757I message output indicates the current and required code levels.

Each code level is identified by the same identifier as the function level that it enables. The format is VvvRrMmmm, where vv is the version, r is the release, and mmm is the modification level.

Important: Do not attempt to start Db2 at any code level that is lower than the highest ever activated function level, even at the lower star (*) function level. Activate a function level only after you are satisfied that Db2 can continue to run at the required code level.

In DISPLAY GROUP command output, the DB2 LVL column indicates the code level of each data sharing member or subsystem in a six-character string that contains the Db2 version, release, and modification values. The format is vvrmmm, where vv is the version, r is the release, and mm is the modification level.

Db2 13 catalog levels

The catalog level of a data sharing group or subsystem indicates that a particular CATMAINT utility UPDATE LEVEL job was run on the Db2 catalog, and the data sharing group or Db2 subsystem is ready for the activation of certain function levels.

Each function level requires a specific catalog level. However, not every function level requires a new catalog level. If the catalog is not at the minimum required level when you attempt to activate a function level, the ACTIVATE command fails. The message output indicates the current and required catalog levels. You can also use the DISPLAY GROUP command to identify the current Db2 catalog level.

Db2 13 function levels use the following Db2 catalog levels:
  • V13R1M505
  • V13R1M504
  • V13R1M501
  • V13R1M100
Tip: When you update the Db2 catalog level, you can specify either the target function level or the catalog level. If you specify the function level, Db2 determines the appropriate target catalog level, and the CATMAINT utility completes any required catalog level updates in sequential order. For more information, see CATMAINT.

The catalog level is updated when you submit a CATMAINT utility job by tailoring and running the DSNTIJTC sample job. You can use a single CATMAINT job that specifies the target function level. If the target function level requires multiple catalog level updates, the CATMAINT job processes each update in sequential order. If a later update in the sequence fails, the previous successful updates do not roll back, and the catalog level remains at the highest level reached. If that occurs, you can correct the reason for the failure and resubmit the same CATMAINT job.

Whereas different data sharing members can be at different code levels in a data sharing group, a data sharing group has a single catalog level.

Important: Do not attempt to start Db2 at a lower code level after any part of the CATMAINT job for a higher function level completes. Run the CATMAINT job only after you are satisfied that Db2 can continue to run at the necessary code level. The code to tolerate catalog changes is contained in the code level that delivers the CATMAINT job.

Each catalog level is identified by the same identifier as the lowest function level that requires it. The format is VvvRrMmmm, where vv is the version, r is the release, and mmm is the modification level. For example function level 505 requires catalog level V13R1M505.

Start of changeWhen you first migrate to Db2 13 the catalog level is V13R1M100. The structure of the catalog does not change until you tailor the catalog for function level 501, as described in Activating Db2 13 function level 500 or higher.End of change

To find when the catalog level changed, you can check the SYSIBM.SYSLEVELUPDATES catalog table or check for message DSNG014I on the console.

Function levels

A function level enables a particular set of new Db2 capabilities and enhancements that were previously delivered in the single continuous stream of Db2 code. It includes code that supports new capabilities, defect fixes, and preventive service items. Before you can use the new capabilities of a function level, you must activate the function level, or a higher function level. Activation of a function level implies activation of the capabilities that are introduced by all lower function levels.

Important: Do not attempt to start Db2 at any code level that is lower than the highest ever activated function level, even at the lower star (*) function level. Activate a function level only after you are satisfied that Db2 can continue to run at the required code level.

In data sharing groups, function levels are activated at the group level. That is, if any data sharing member is not at the minimum required code level when you attempt to activate a function level, the ACTIVATE command fails. The DSNU757I message output indicates the current and required code levels.

To find when the function level changed, you can check the SYSIBM.SYSLEVELUPDATES catalog table or check for message DSNG014I on the console.

Before applications can use new SQL capabilities that a function level introduces, the applications must run at the equivalent application compatibility level or higher.

Application compatibility levels

You can use the application compatibility level of applications, and objects such as routines or triggers, to control the adoption and use of new and changed SQL capabilities that are introduced in function levels. Generally, applications, and routines or triggers, cannot use new or changed SQL capabilities unless the effective application compatibility level is equivalent to or higher than the function level that introduced the changes. The application compatibility level applies to most SQL statements, including data definition statements (such as CREATE and ALTER statements) and data control statements (such as GRANT and REVOKE statements).

The corresponding function level or higher must be activated when you bind packages at an application compatibility level. However, if you activate a lower function level (or * function level), applications can continue to run with the higher application compatibility level. To prevent the continued use of SQL capabilities introduced in the higher function level, you must also modify the application and change the effective application compatibility level to the lower level.

Tip: Start of changeExtra program preparation steps might be required to increase the application compatibility level for applications that use data server clients or drivers to access Db2 for z/OS. For more information, see Setting application compatibility levels for data server clients and drivers.End of change
Tip: Do not raise the default application compatibility level of the Db2 subsystem immediately after migrating or activating a new function level. Instead, wait until applications have been verified to work correctly at the higher function level, and any incompatibilities have been resolved. For details, see Enabling default application compatibility with function level 500 or higher.

Application compatibility levels for Db2 13 are identified by the same identifier as the corresponding function level. The format is VvvRrMmmm, where vv is the version, r is the release, and mmm is the modification level.

Db2 13 supports the following application compatibility levels in most contexts:


Compatibility with the behavior of the identified Db2 function level. For example, V13R1M505 specifies compatibility with the highest available Db2 13 function level. The equivalent function level or higher must be activated.

Start of changeFor the new capabilities that become available in each application compatibility level, see: End of change

Tip: Start of changeExtra program preparation steps might be required to increase the application compatibility level for applications that use data server clients or drivers to access Db2 for z/OS. For more information, see Setting application compatibility levels for data server clients and drivers.End of change
Compatibility with the behavior of Db2 12 function level 500. This value has the same result as specifying V12R1M500.
Compatibility with the behavior of Db2 11 new-function mode.
Compatibility with the behavior of DB2 10 new-function mode. For more information, see V10R1 application compatibility level.

For more information about application compatibility levels, see Application compatibility levels in Db2 13.

Star (*) function levels

You might sometimes activate a lower function level, called a star (*) function level after you activate a higher function level. Any function level lower than the highest function level that was ever activated is always a star (*) function level.

The output from DISPLAY GROUP and ACTIVATE commands identify star (*) function levels by the function level identifier followed by an asterisk, hence the name. For example, assume that you activate function level 500 after function level 501 was previously activated. V13R1M500* in the message output indicates that the Db2 data sharing group or subsystem is at function level 500* (you might say, function level 500 star).

Important: Activating a lower star (*) function level does not enable you to remove maintenance and start Db2 at any code level lower than the catalog level or highest ever activated function level.

Activating a lower star (*) function level by itself does not immediately disable all use of capabilities at higher function levels. Instead, it provides flexibility for limiting or disabling the use of capabilities at higher function levels, while the problems encountered in higher function levels are resolved.

At a star (*) function level, Db2 continues to tolerate objects, packages, and structures that were created or bound at higher function levels. Also, in any context where the effective application compatibility level remains at the higher level, new SQL capabilities from the higher level can still be used. For packages, they can still be executed, rebound, and automatically bound. However, an explicit bind of such packages succeeds only when the APPLCOMPAT bind option is equivalent to the activated star (*) function level or lower. Similar rules apply for the application compatibility levels of native SQL procedures, compiled SQL scalar functions, and advanced triggers. The result is that applications that use capabilities at a higher function level can continue to do so if they are not related to the reason for activating the lower function level. To stop the use of all SQL capabilities at the higher function level, you must also set all effective application compatibility levels at the lower level.