Configuration control statements for Db2-supplied routines

Configuration control statements supply the basic input for the DSNTRIN program, which installs and configures all routines that Db2 supplies.

Configuration control statements consist of a routine's schema and name (for stored procedures) or specific name (for user-defined functions), followed by customizable parameters. You can manually customize these parameters, but to save your settings and facilitate future migrations, specify changes using the Db2 routines: Advanced configuration options installation panels, which are accessed from the DSNTIPR1 panel.


The following parameters are used in configuration control statements:

The name of the WLM environment for running the routine. The default environment depends on the routine.
The authorization IDs allowed to execute the routine and use any associated tables or created global temporary tables. Separate multiple IDs with commas. Do not use blanks. The default is PUBLIC, which allows everyone to execute the routine.
The authorization ID to own the routine's package. The specified owner must have the privileges required to execute the SQL statements contained in the routine. If this parameter is specified for a routine that does not have a package, the parameter is ignored. If this optional parameter is not specified, the default package owner is the primary ID used to run DSNTRIN.

Statement format

The general form of a configuration control statement is:


Statement rules

The following rules apply to configuration control statements:

  • Statements must reside in records having a fixed-block record format with a logical record length of 80 (same as JCL).
  • Only columns 1–72 of each record are inspected. Columns 73 - 80 are ignored.
  • Statement elements are delimited by one or more blank characters.
  • Statement elements cannot contain embedded blanks.
  • Statements are delimited by one or more blank lines.
  • A statement can be continued on multiple input records. A statement element can be continued by breaking it at column 72 of one record and resuming it at column 1 of the next record.
  • An asterisk in column 1 of a record indicates a comment line and the content is ignored.
  • Comment lines cannot begin after column 1.
  • Comments and statement elements cannot be on the same line.
  • Comment lines can be embedded within a statement.
  • The routine must be specified as the schema name followed by a period and the routine name.
  • The WLMENV parameter is required and must directly follow the schema.routine name.
  • The GRANTTO parameter is required and must directly follow the WLMENV parameter.
  • The PKGOWNER parameter is optional. If specified, it must follow the GRANTTO parameter.


The following examples are valid configuration control statements:

* Configuration statements for the Utilities stored procedures follow:
* A comment line within the statement is legal

* Notice the all-blank line above to delineate the two statements
* Here is an example of wrapping an element to the next line
* PKGOWNER is commented-out below so the OWNER parm will be excluded
*          from the BIND PACKAGE statement

The following examples are invalid configuration control statements that violate the statement rules:

* Configuration statement for the WLM refresh stored procedure follows:
* - Error 1: The statement must start with schema.routine-name
* - Error 2: Comments can't start after column 1
 * This is not a valid comment
* - Error 3: Comments and elements can't be in the same line
  WLMENV(WLMENV_APFAUTH) * This is an invalid place to put a comment
* - Error 4: GRANTTO argument contains blanks
* - Error 5: PKGOWNER is present but has no argument
* - Error 6: The statements are not separated by a blank line
* - Error 7: The statement does not have a WLMENV parm
* - Error 8: The statement contains a blank line