Character sets and code pages
Even with the same encoding scheme, different CCSIDs exist, and the same code point can represent a different character in different CCSIDs. Furthermore, a byte in a character string does not necessarily represent a character from a single-byte character set (SBCS).
The following figure shows how a typical character set might map to different code points in two different code pages.
For Unicode, there is only one CCSID for UTF-8 and only one CCSID
for UTF-16. The following figure shows how the first 127 single code
points for UTF-8 are the same as ASCII with a CCSID of 367. For example,
in both UTF-8 and ASCII CCSID 367, an A is X'41' and a 1
is X'31'.
The following figure shows a comparison of how some UTF-16 and
UTF-8 code points map to some sample characters. The character for
the eighth note musical symbol takes two 2 byte code points because
it is a supplementary character.