Phase 0: Deleting the sample objects (DSNTEJ0)

Phase 0 consists of one job, DSNTEJ0. It frees all plans, drops all objects, and deletes data sets so that Phase 1 can be run again.

Run Phase 0 (job DSNTEJ0) only if you want to remove all the verification processing that you have done so far so that you can begin the verification procedure again. When you complete the verification procedure, save the verification objects; you need them when you migrate to the next release of Db2.

If a sample application abends while running a utility, ensure that the utility is terminated before attempting to rerun the job.

Even when DSNTEJ0 runs successfully, some of the FREE, DROP, and DELETE commands often fail because the object was not created earlier. You can ignore these errors, even though they might generate return codes of 8 or 12. Check other errors.

If DSNTEJ0 runs successfully, it produces the return codes that are shown in the table below.

Table 1. DSNTEJ0 return codes
Step PROCSTEP Return code
PH00S01   0000, 0008, or 0012
PH00S02   0000, 0004, or 0008
PH00S03 DSNUPROC 0004 or 0008
PH00S04   0000, 0004, or 0008
PH00S05   0000, 0004, or 0008
PH00S06   0000, 0004, or 0008
PH00S07   0000, 0004, or 0008
PH00S08   0000, 0004, or 0008

If this job fails or abends, ensure that the user that is specified on the JOB statement is an authorized ID. If the name that you specified for either SYSTEM ADMIN 1 or SYSTEM ADMIN 2 on installation panel DSNTIPP1 is a primary authorization ID, use this name. If the sample authorization exit routine and RACF® are installed, and if the SYSTEM ADMIN 1 and SYSTEM ADMIN 2 are known to Db2 as secondary authorization IDs, you can run these jobs under a user ID in either of these RACF groups. Then correct any other problems, and rerun the job from the last successful step.

If the subsystem data sets were deleted before the Db2 sample objects are deleted, you must delete the data sets by using access method services commands or TSO commands. In all of the following examples, vcatalog is the catalog alias name that you specified for the CATALOG ALIAS field on installation panel DSNTIPA2. The y is either I or J.

The following access method services commands, which can be executed under TSO, delete the Db2 13 sample data sets:
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBD.DSN8D13A.*.y0001.*'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBC.DSN8D81L.*.y0001.*'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBD.DSN8D13P.*.y0001.*'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBC.DSN8D13U.*.y0001.*'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDB04.STAFF.y0001.A001'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDB04.TESTSTUF.y0001.A001'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBC.DSN8D81E.*.y0001.*'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBC.DSN8D81Y.*.y0001.*'
DELETE 'vcatalog.DSNDBC.DSN8D81X.*.y0001.*'