Space allocation for PBR table spaces with relative page numbering
Partition-by-range (PBR) table spaces with relative page numbering (RPN) allow larger partition sizes than PBR table spaces with absolute page numbering.
PBR table spaces with RPN allow the following improvements in space allocation:
- Data partition sizes can be as large 1 TB if you specify
in a CREATE TABLESPACE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement. - Greater flexibility in growing your partitions. With partition-by-range table spaces with relative page numbering, you can grow partitions by any number of gigabytes. With absolute page numbering, partition growth is restricted to gigabytes in powers of 2.
- DSSIZE can be increased for individual partitions as an immediate ALTER, without requiring a REORG.
The page numbering used for a PBR table space is controlled by the PAGENUM clause of the CREATE TABLE SPACE and ALTER TABLE statements. The PAGESET_PAGENUM subsystem parameter value specifies the default value for the PAGENUM clause. The default for PAGESET_PAGENUM is RELATIVE.