FLASHCOPY PPRC field (FLASHCOPY_PPRC subsystem parameter)

The FLASHCOPY_PPRC subsystem parameter specifies the behavior for DFSMSdss FlashCopy® requests when the target disk storage volume is the primary device in a peer-to-peer remote copy (Metro Mirror) relationship.

Specifically, FLASHCOPY_PPRC determines the following:

  • Whether DFSMSdss preserves mirroring while processing a Db2 utilities request
  • Whether the target device pair is allowed to go to duplex pending state
Important: Set this field to blank if PPRC is not available on the subsystem.
Acceptable values: NONE, PREFERRED, REQUIRED, blank
Update: option 35 on panel DSNTIPB
DFSMSdss does not preserve mirroring while processing a Db2 utilities request, even if all the configuration requirements for preserving the mirror operation are met.
DFSMSdss allows a volume pair to go into the duplex pending state while processing a Db2 utilities request only if it is required.

The IBM® DS8880 series and newer IBM storage systems do not support the Preserve Mirror Preferred option for PPRC. If you are using one of those storage systems, and you want to preserve your disk mirror or copy, specify REQUIRED.

DFSMSdss does not permit a PPRC volume pair to go into duplex pending state while processing a Db2 utilities request.
No preserve mirror command is passed to DFSMSdss.