The value of the COBOL LE PRELINKER PHASE field indicates whether to customize the DSNHICOB language procedure to include a procedure step that executes the IBM® Language Environment® prelinker.

Acceptable values: NO or YES
Default: NO
Update: cannot change during update
DSNZPxxx: none
Specifies that the DSNHICOB procedure is customized to prepare COBOL programs without using the prelinker. NO is required when using IBM Enterprise COBOL Version 5.1 and later releases. It is acceptable for older versions of the COBOL compiler that are supported by this release of Db2. Additional DD statements are allocated for the COBOL compiler and object code is passed directly from the compiler to the z/OS® binder to create a program object, which must reside in a partitioned data set extended (PDSE). NO is the default setting.
Specifies that the DSNHICOB procedure is customized to prepare COBOL programs using the prelinker. YES is acceptable only when using IBM Enterprise COBOL Version 4.2 and older releases. Object code is passed from the compiler to the IBM Language Environment prelinker and then to the z/OS binder. The binder creates a load module if the output library is a partitioned data set (PDS). It creates a program object if the output library is a PDSE.