BP8K0–BP32K9 fields for buffer pool sizes fields

The values of fields BP8K0–BP32K9 specify the number of buffers in each of those virtual buffer pools.

Acceptable values:
  • BP8K0–BP8K9: 0–125000000
  • BP16K0–BP16K9: 0–62500000
  • BP32K: 250–31250000
  • BP32K1–BP32K9: 0–31250000
  • BP8K0: 2000
  • BP16K0: 500
  • BP32K: 250
  • All others: 0
Update: ALTER BUFFERPOOL command
DSNZPxxx: none
Restriction: The sum of the storage that is available in all buffer pools cannot exceed 16 TB. The amount of storage that is configured on the subsystem can further limit the buffer pool sizes.