Convert the Db2 catalog and directory to 10-byte RBA and LRSN format

It is strongly recommended that you convert the catalog and directory to the 10-byte format before or soon after you convert the BSDS to the 10-byte format. Start of changeThe BSDS conversion was required before Db2 started in Db2 12.End of change

Before you begin

Attention: In Db2 subsystems that are not data sharing members, if Db2 is already at risk of reaching the 6-byte RBA limit, it is strongly recommended that you first convert all catalog and directory objects, then convert all user objects to the 10-byte RBA format, as soon as possible.


Run job DSNTIJCV to convert the Db2 catalog and directory table spaces and indexes to the 10-byte RBA or LRSN format.
Do not rearrange the processing sequence and the table space groupings. The COPY and REORG steps use LISTDEF filtering to exclude table spaces that are already in extended format.

Job DSNTIJCV is customized when you run the Db2 installation CLIST for migration, as described in Generating tailored Db2 13 installation, migration, or function level activation jobs.