Catalog changes in Db2 13
You can use this information to plan for catalog changes at migration to Db2 13 and in continuous delivery.
Db2 13 catalog levels
The catalog level of a data sharing group or subsystem indicates that a particular CATMAINT utility UPDATE LEVEL job was run on the Db2 catalog, and the data sharing group or Db2 subsystem is ready for the activation of certain function levels.
- V13R1M505
- V13R1M504
- V13R1M501
- V13R1M100
For more information, see Function levels and related levels in Db2 13.
Catalog changes for function levels V13R1M502 and higher
The following catalog changes take effect in Db2 13 when you tailor the Db2 catalog for activation of the specified function level. The changes are listed in function level order with the highest at the top.
Catalog level | Catalog object | Change introduced | Incompatible change? |
V13R1M505 | Security-related catalog history tables | FL 505 Temporal support for security-related catalog tables is implemented by the following changes:
No |
V13R1M504 | SYSIBM. SYSOBJEVENTS catalog table | FL 504 New table New table space: DSNDB06.SYSTSOEV New indexes: SYSIBM.DSNOEH01 and SYSIBM.DSNOEH02 |
No |
V13R1M504 | SYSPACKAGE table | The following column values are newly added or changed:
No |
V13R1M504 | SYSPACKSTMTDEP table | FL 504 This table can contain additional records for phased-out package copies that are generated by autobind phase-in processing. | |
V13R1M501 | SYSPACKAGE catalog table | FL 502 New possible column value for statement-level invalidation: VALID='S' | Yes |
V13R1M501 | SYSPACKCOPY catalog table | FL 502 New possible column value for statement-level invalidation: VALID='S | Yes |
V13R1M501 | SYSCOLUMNS table | FL 503 The DEFAULTVALUE column value for newly added ROW CHANGE TIMESTAMP columns is set to a constant value derived from the timestamp of the ALTER TABLE statement that added the column. | No |
Catalog changes in catalog level V13R1M501
The following catalog changes take effect in Db2 13 when you tailor the Db2 catalog for function level 501 activation.
Catalog object | Change introduced | Incompatible change? |
DSNKDX02 catalog index | This index is removed. | No |
SYSCOPY table | New column: EVENTID | No |
SYSINDEXSPACESTATS table | Changed columns:
New columns:
No |
New column: DEPLEVEL
Changed column: VALID |
No |
New column: DEPLEVEL
Changed column: VALID |
No |
New column: VALID
No |
New table
New table space: DSNDB06.SYSTSPSC New indexes:
No |
New table
New table space: DSNDB06.SYSTSPSD New indexes:
Tip: FL 502
Db2 starts populating starts this table at application compatibility level V13R1M502 or higher.
Tip: FL 504 This enhancement primarily introduces infrastructure to support a new capability that becomes available after you activate function level 504 or higher in Db2 13. For more information see Enabling autobind phase-in for packages invalidated at the statement level.
No |
SYSTABLESPACESTATS catalog table | Changed columns:
No |
New table
New table space: DSNDB06.SYSTSUTL New indexes:
No |
SYSIBM.DSNSEQ_EVENTID sequence | A Db2-supplied sequence that is intended to be used to generate a value for the EVENTID column when a row is inserted into the SYSIBM.SYSUTILITIES catalog table. | No |
For more information about these changes, see Function level 501 (Db2 13 installation or migration - May 2022).
Directory changes in function level 500
- SPT01 and SYSLGRNX table spaces are converted to DSSIZE 256 GB
Starting in function level 500, the first time that the REORG TABLESPACE utility runs for the following directory objects, it converts the DSSIZE to 256 GB.
- DSNDB01.SPT01 to resolve issues that are related to the removal of the SPT01_INLINE_LENGTH subsystem parameter by APAR PH24358 in Db2 12.
- DSNDB01.SYSLGRNX in anticipation of future growth in this table for increasing workloads and conversions of non-UTS table space to UTS.
The conversion is automatic and does not require any special utility syntax. It updates the following Db2 catalog table values for each table space:
- A SYSCOPY record is inserted for the table space, with the following values to indicate that REORG changed the DSSIZE: ICTYPE = 'A', STYPE = 'D', TTYPE = '64G'.
If function level 100* is activated, already converted table spaces continue to use the larger DSSIZE, but the REORG utility does not convert unconverted table spaces.
Recovery to a point-in-time (PIT) before REORG converted the DSSIZE reverts the DSSIZE to 64GB. As always, if any one of the catalog or directory objects are recovered to a prior PIT, it is best to recover all catalog and directory objects to the same PIT.
Catalog changes in catalog level V13R1M100
No catalog changes take effect when you tailor the Db2 catalog for migration to Db2 13 function level 100.