RESOURCE TIMEOUT field (IRLMRWT subsystem parameter)
The IRLMRWT subsystem parameter controls the number of seconds that are to elapse before a resource timeout is detected.
Acceptable values: | 1–3600 |
Default: | 30 |
Update: | option 32 on panel DSNTIPB0. |
Online changeable | Yes |
Timeout means that a lock request has waited for a resource (or for claims on a resource for a particular claim class to be released) longer than the number of seconds specified on this option. The value that is specified for this option must be a multiple of the DEADLOCK TIME on installation panel DSNTIPJ because IRLM uses its deadlock timer to initiate timeout detection and deadlock detection. This value is rarely the actual time. For data sharing, the actual timeout period is longer than the timeout value.