Conversion-related changes that require remote packages to be rebound
Certain conversion-related changes at the local DBMS or at a remote DBMS might force the rebinding of a package.
These include the following changes:
- The system CCSID at the remote DBMS was changed. In this case, always rebind the package.
- The system CCSID at the local DBMS was changed. This could happen, for example, if the wrong system CCSID was specified during installation. If so, string constants in static SQL statements might have been converted incorrectly during the binding of the package. Rebinding corrects the conversion. Other problems might also arise as a result of the change. In most cases, you should rebind the package.
- The subtype of a character column is changed at the remote DBMS. The pertinent changes are from BIT to either SBCS or MIXED, and from SBCS or MIXED to BIT. The change was probably made by modifying the FOREIGNKEY column of the SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS table in the remote system catalog. Alternatively, the change might have occurred if the table was dropped and re-created with a different subtype (BIT to either SBCS or MIXED, or either SBC or MIXED to BIT) after the application was bound. A statement that refers to a column with a modified subtype might fail with an SQLCODE of -333. If this occurs, rebind the package containing the statement.