You can manually stop the administrative task scheduler.
You might want to do this when you are doing problem determination
or in preparation for maintenance.
To stop the administrative task scheduler:
- Recommended method: To stop an administrative task
scheduler that is named admtproc from the operator's
console, issue the following MVS system
modify admtproc,appl=shutdown
You can expect the following results:
- The administrative task scheduler stops accepting requests and
will not start new task executions. It waits until the execution of
all currently running tasks completes and then terminates.
- Message DSNA670I displays on the console.
- Alternate method: If the MODIFY command does not
shut down the administrative task scheduler, issue the following MVS system command:
You can expect the following results:
- Any task that was invoked by the administrative task scheduler
and is currently executing is interrupted.
- Message DSNA670I displays on the console.
Interrupted tasks keep their status as RUNNING and are not
rescheduled until the administrative task scheduler is started again.
At startup, the status of the interrupted tasks is set to UNKNOWN,
and message DSNA690I is written into the status.
Look for UNKNOWN in the results of the ADMIN_TASK_STATUS user-defined
function. If UNKNOWN is present in the STATUS column of the output
table, check to see if the task has completed. If an interrupted task
has not completed, you must terminate the work.