Creating an application-period temporal table
An application-period temporal table is a type of temporal table where you maintain the values that indicate when a row is valid. The other type of temporal table is a system-period temporal table where Db2 maintains the values that indicate when a row is valid.
About this task
When you create an application-period temporal table, you define begin and end columns to indicate the application period, or period of time when the row is valid. The begin column contains the time from which a row is valid. The end column contains the time when a row stops being valid.
To create an application-period temporal table:
- Two columns to define the application period. These columns are the begin and end columns. They must be type TIMESTAMP(6) WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL or DATE NOT NULL, and they must be the same type. The data type cannot be a user-defined type.
- The BUSINESS_TIME clause.
- Example of creating an application-period temporal table
- The following example SQL statements create a table with an application period and a unique
CREATE TABLE policy_info (policy_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, coverage INT NOT NULL, bus_start DATE NOT NULL, bus_end DATE NOT NULL, PERIOD BUSINESS_TIME(bus_start, bus_end)); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_policy ON policy_info (policy_id, BUSINESS_TIME WITHOUT OVERLAPS);
The specified application period means that a row is valid from bus-start, including the bus-start value, to bus-end, but not including the bus-end value. This type of period is called an inclusive-exclusive period and is the default behavior for application periods.
- Example of creating an application-period temporal table with an inclusive-inclusive period of data type DATE
- The following example CREATE TABLE statement contains the INCLUSIVE keyword in the definition of
the application period to indicate an inclusive-inclusive
CREATE TABLE policy_info (policy_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, coverage INT NOT NULL, bus_start DATE NOT NULL, bus_end DATE NOT NULL, PERIOD BUSINESS_TIME(bus_start, bus_end INCLUSIVE));
The inclusive-inclusive period means that a row is valid from bus-start, including the bus-start value, to bus-end, including the bus-end value. In this case, the data type of these columns is DATE.
Suppose that you issue the following INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO policy_info VALUES('A123', 12000, '2008-01-01', '2008-06-30')
The policy_info table then contains the following data:
policy_id coverage bus-start bus_end A123 12000 2008-01-01 2008-06-30 Suppose that you then issue the following update statement to change the coverage amount for policy A123 between May 1, 2008 and May 31, 2008.
UPDATE policy_info FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME BETWEEN '2008-05-01' AND '2008-05-31' SET coverage = 14000 WHERE policy_id = 'A123';
The policy_info table then contains the following rows:
policy_id coverage bus-start bus_end A123 12000 2008-01-01 2008-04-30 A123 14000 2008-05-01 2008-05-31 A123 12000 2008-06-01 2008-06-30 The middle row shows the updated values for the specified period of time. In addition, two rows were inserted to represent the part of the row that was not affected by the UPDATE statement.
- Example of creating an application-period temporal table with an inclusive-inclusive period of data type TIMESTAMP
- The following example CREATE TABLE statement creates a table with an inclusive-inclusive
application period with type
CREATE TABLE policy_info (policy_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL, coverage INT NOT NULL, bus_start TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL, bus_end TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL, PERIOD BUSINESS_TIME(bus_start, bus_end INCLUSIVE));
Suppose that you issue the following INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO policy_info VALUES('A123', 12000, '2008-01-01 08:30:00.000000', '2008-06-30 17:30:00.000000');
The policy_info table then contains the following data:
policy_id coverage bus-start bus_end A123 12000 2008-01-01- 2008-06-30- Suppose that you then issue the following update statement to change the coverage amount for policy A123 between the indicated TIMESTAMP values:
UPDATE policy_info FOR PORTION OF BUSINESS_TIME BETWEEN '2008-05-01 09:30:00.000001' AND '2008-05-31 18:30:00.999999' SET coverage = 14000 WHERE policy_id = 'A123';
The policy_info table then contains the following rows:
policy_id coverage bus-start bus_end A123 12000 2008-01-01- 2008-05-01- A123 14000 2008-05-01- 2008-05-31- A123 12000 2008-05-31- 2008-06-30-