Migrating an existing data sharing group to Db2 12
If you have a Db2 11 Db2 data sharing group, and you want a Db2 12 data sharing group, you can migrate to the newer release.
Before you begin
Prepare your data sharing group for migration, as described in Preparing for Db2 12 migration in Db2 data sharing.
During the migration to Db2 12, other group members can be active, but they might experience delays or timeouts if they attempt to access catalog objects that are being updated or that are locked by migration processing. Before beginning the migration process, confirm that Db2 11 is at the proper service level. Also, check your coupling facilities to ensure that the appropriate service levels are installed. Having the wrong service levels installed can result in data corruption. No specific service level requirements exist for CFLEVELs other than 12, but CF levels 13 and 14 are recommended for additional function. Use the z/OS® D CF command to display the service levels for IBM® coupling facilities.

- Read the information about migration considerations in Incompatible changes in Db2 12.
- Read the information in 00C10207.
To migrate an existing data
sharing group to Db2 12: