Member names

Member names include the individual Db2 member (subsystem) name and its associated z/OS® subsystem name, procedure names, and BSDS and log names. Member names must be unique within the data sharing group or, in certain cases, the z/OS Parallel Sysplex®.

The following names are considered member names:
Member name
The name of an individual member of a data sharing group. A member name can be up to eight characters long, and it can consist of the characters A-Z, 0-9, $, #, and @. Db2 uses this name to form its z/OS cross-system coupling facility (XCF) member name. This name must be unique within the data sharing group. If the member name is also used as the high level qualifier for the member's data sets (BSDS, logs, and so on), member names must be unique within the z/OS Parallel Sysplex. This is because the z/OS Parallel Sysplex can have a shared master catalog. An example of a member name is DB1A.
Db2 subsystem name
The name of a Db2 subsystem that is a member of a data sharing group. This name is used by all the attachment interfaces. A Db2 subsystem name can be up to four characters long, and it must be unique within the Parallel Sysplex. The member name and the Db2 subsystem name should be the same. An example of a Db2 subsystem name is DB1A.
Location alias name
This name can represent one, several, or all members of a data sharing group. A location alias name enables you to define subsets of data sharing group members. Subsetting gives you the ability to limit the members to which DRDA requesters can connect.
Member LU name
The network name of an individual member of a data sharing group. A logical unit (LU) name must be unique both within the group and within the network. This name can be up to eight characters long.
Member domain name
This name lets Db2 handle indoubt thread resolution for TCP/IP connections.
Network Address
The member DVIPA and port number. It can be either an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or both. The TCP/IP port number that is used by the distributed data facility (DDF) to accept incoming DRDA two-phase commit resynchronization requests, if the data sharing group uses TCP/IP. Each member of a data sharing group listens on a unique resynchronization port.
Member IPv4 Address
A constant IPv4 address to be associated with the data sharing member.
Member IPv6 Address
A constant IPv6 address to be associated with the data sharing member.
Command prefix
The prefix that directs commands entered at a z/OS console to a particular member of a data sharing group. The command prefix can be up to eight characters long and the first character must be a special character. The default prefix is the concatenation of the hyphen character (-) with the Db2 subsystem name.

This string is specified as a parameter on the IEFSSNxx subsystem definition. An example of a command prefix is -DB1A. You can have blanks between the command prefix and the command.

Do not assign a command prefix that is used by another Db2 subsystem or that can be interpreted as belonging to more than one Db2 subsystem or z/OS application. Specifically, do not specify a multiple-character command prefix that is a subset or a superset of another command prefix starting from the first character. For example, it is invalid to assign a hyphen (-) to one Db2 subsystem and '-DB2A' to another Db2 subsystem. Similarly, it is invalid to assign '?Db2' to one Db2 subsystem and '?DB2A' to another Db2 subsystem. It is valid, for example, to assign '-DB2A' and '-DB3A' to different Db2 subsystems.

Work file database
The name of the work file database that is associated with a member of the data sharing group. Each member has its own work file database. In a non-data sharing environment, a Db2 subsystem's work file database is called DSNDB07. In a data sharing environment, although one member of the group can have a work file database with the name DSNDB07, you might want to create one with a more meaningful name, such as WRKDB1A, for member DB1A. This name can be up to eight characters long.

Work file data sets have names of the format catalias.DSNDBC.mworkdb.DSNkknn.y0001.A001, where y can be either I or J.

Restriction: You cannot specify a work file database name that begins with DSNDB unless the name is DSNDB07.
Load module for subsystem parameters
The name of the load module that contains a member's subsystem parameters. Each member has its own subsystem parameters. The load module resides in SDSNEXIT. The name is specified as a parameter on mssnMSTR procedure.

The load module name can be up to eight characters long. An example name is DSNZP01A, a naming convention that you can use to associate member DB1A with DSNZP01A.

Choosing names for member data sets: When choosing names for member data sets, remember that data set names beginning with membname must have a master catalog alias to point to the catalog where the data sets are cataloged. The Db2 installation process does not create this catalog alias. One way to handle this is to begin member data set names with catalias and a member-related qualifier. For example, member data set names could take the form catalias.membname.xxxxx. This format eliminates the need to have a master catalog alias for membname.
Member BSDS names
The names of bootstrap data sets (BSDS) belonging to a member of a data sharing group. The catalog alias can be added as the first qualifier. These names can be up to 33 characters long. Example BSDS names are DSNDB0A.DB1A.BSDS01 and DSNDB0A.DB1A.BSDS02.
Active log data set prefixes
The prefixes of active log data sets belonging to a member of a data sharing group. The catalog alias can be added as the first qualifier. These prefixes can be up to 30 characters long. Example active log data set prefixes are DSNDB0A.DB1A.LOGCOPY1 and DSNDB0A.DB1A.LOGCOPY2.
Archive log data set prefixes
The prefixes of archive log data sets belonging to a member of a data sharing group. The catalog alias can be added as the first qualifier. These prefixes can be up to 35 characters long unless you want the data sets timestamped. If they are timestamped, these prefixes can be up to only 19 characters long. Use the TIMESTAMP ARCHIVES parameter of installation panel DSNTIPH to specify whether you want the date and time qualifiers to be added to the archive log data set prefix.

Example archive log data set prefixes are DSNDB0A.DB1A.ARC1 and DSNDB0A.DB1A.ARC2.

SCA and group buffer pool connection names
The connection name is generated by Db2. You see it only in certain commands (z/OS D XCF,STRUCTURE and the Db2 connection list display of DISPLAY GROUPBUFFERPOOL). The connection name can be up to 16 characters long. An example connection name is DB2_membername.
Procedure names
The procedure names are generated from the member subsystem name at installation. The names can be up to eight characters long. Example procedure names are mssnMSTR, mssnDBM1, mssnDIST, and mssnSPAS.
XCF member name
This is the same as the member name for Db2; thus, a maximum of eight characters is used.