DSNTIPR: Distributed data facility panel 1

The entries on the DSNTIPR panel control the starting of the distributed data facility (DDF). The entries on the DSNTIPR panel also specify location names that are used to connect another Db2 subsystem.

Figure 1. Distributed data facility panel: DSNTIPR
Start of change
DSNTIPR         INSTALL DB2 - DISTRIBUTED DATA FACILITY                        
 Enter data below:                                                              
    1 DDF STARTUP OPTION  ===> NO       NO, AUTO, or COMMAND                    
    2 DB2 LOCATION NAME   ===> LOC1              The name other DB2s use to     
                                                 refer to this DB2              
    3 DB2 VTAM LUNAME     ===>          The name VTAM uses to refer to this DB22 
    4 DB2 VTAM PASSWORD   ===>          Password for DB2's VTAM application     
    5 DB2 GENERIC LUNAME  ===>          Generic VTAM LU name for this member    
                                        of a Db2 data sharing group             
    6 DB2 TCP/IP IPNAME   ===> DSN1     TCP/IP communication support only       
    7 TCP/IP PORT         ===> 446      TCP/IP port number for DRDA clients     
                                        and REST services.                      
                                        1-65534 (446 is reserved for DRDA)      
    8 SECURE PORT         ===>          TCP/IP port number for secure DRDA      
                                        clients and REST services. 1-65534      
                                        (448 is reserved for DRDA using SSL)    
    9 RESYNC PORT         ===> 5001     TCP/IP port for 2-phase commit. 1-65534 
   10 RESYNC INTERVAL     ===> 2        Minutes between resynchronization period
 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information         
End of change