DSNTIPP1: Protection panel 2
Use the DSNTIPP1 panel to specify security options, including the authorization IDs that are required for system administrators and system operators, and the authorization IDs or roles that are required for security administrators. You can also specify the authorization IDs that are to be used to install, configure, and validate Db2-supplied routines.
- Scrollable fields
The limited space on this panel means that some input fields are not wide enough to display the entire contents of the field at one time. These fields are defined as ISPF scrollable fields, which lets you see the field contents. A > indicates a field that can be scrolled to the right, and a < indicates a field that can be scrolled to the left.
To scroll the field, position your cursor in the field and use the for LEFT or RIGHT scroll commands. To see the entire contents of the field at one time, type EXPAND in the command field, position your cursor in the scrollable field, and press Enter. (You can also assign your PF keys to be the LEFT, RIGHT, and EXPAND commands.)
Enter data below:
1 SYSTEM ADMIN 1 ===> SYSADM Authid of system administrator
2 SYSTEM ADMIN 2 ===> SYSADM Authid of system administrator
3 SYSTEM OPERATOR 1 ===> SYSOPR Authid of system operator
4 SYSTEM OPERATOR 2 ===> SYSOPR Authid of system operator
5 SECURITY ADMIN 1 ===> SECADM > Authid or role of security administrator
6 SEC ADMIN 1 TYPE ===> AUTHID Security administrator type. AUTHID, ROLE
7 SECURITY ADMIN 2 ===> SECADM > Authid or role of security administrator
8 SEC ADMIN 2 TYPE ===> AUTHID Security administrator type. AUTHID,ROLE
10 UNKNOWN AUTHID ===> IBMUSER Authid of default (unknown) user
11 RESOURCE AUTHID ===> SYSIBM Authid of Resource Limit Table creator
12 BIND NEW PACKAGE ===> BINDADD Authority required: BINDADD or BIND
13 DBADM CREATE AUTH ===> NO DBA can create views/aliases for others
14 REVOKE DEP PRIV ===> SQLSTMT Include dependent privileges on REVOKE
PRESS: ENTER to continue RETURN to exit HELP for more information