DSNTIPP: Protection panel The entries on the DSNTIPP panel are related to security matters. Figure 1. Protection panel: DSNTIPP DSNTIPP INSTALL DB2 - PROTECTION ===> _ Enter data below: 1 ARCHIVE LOG RACF ===> NO RACF protect archive log data sets 2 USE PROTECTION ===> YES DB2 authorization enabled. YES or NO 3 PLAN AUTH CACHE ===> 3072 Size in bytes per plan (0 - 4096) 4 AUTH EXIT LIMIT ===> 10 Access control exit shutdown threshold 5 AUTH EXIT CHECK ===> PRIMARY ID for access control exit auth checks (PRIMARY or DB2) 6 AUTH EXIT CACHE REFR===>NONE Refresh DB2 auth caches when user profile or resource access changes (ALL or NONE) 7 MFA AUTH UNUSED TIME===> 0 How long cached MFA credentials can remain unused before new credentials are required (0, 120 - 7200 seconds) PRESS: ENTER to continue RETURN to exit HELP for more information