DSNTIPL1: Checkpoint parameters

The entries on the DSNTIPL1 panel define characteristics for log checkpoints.

Start of change
DSNTIPL1         INSTALL DB2 - CHECKPOINT PARAMETERS                             
 Enter log checkpoint options:                                                   
    1 CHECKPOINT TYPE     ===> MINUTES  LOGRECS only, MINUTES only, or BOTH      
    2 RECORDS/CHECKPOINT  ===> NOTUSED  Log records per checkpoint               
                                        - LOGRECS only: 1000 - 16000000          
                                        - MINUTES only: NOTUSED                  
                                        - BOTH        : 1000 - 99999999          
    3 MINUTES/CHECKPOINT  ===> 3        Minutes per checkpoint:                  
                                        - LOGRECS only: NOTUSED                  
                                        - MINUTES only: 1 - 5                    
                                        - BOTH        : 1 - 5                    
    4 UR CHECK FREQ       ===> 5        Checkpoints to enable UR check. 0-255    
    5 UR LOG WRITE CHECK  ===> 10K      Log Writes to enable UR check. 0-1000K   
    6 LIMIT BACKOUT       ===> AUTO      AUTO, YES, NO, LIGHT, or LIGHTAUTO      
    7 BACKOUT DURATION    ===> 5        Checkpoints processed during backout if  
                                        LIMIT BACKOUT is not NO (0-255)          
    8 RO SWITCH TIME      ===> 45       Minutes to read-only switch. 1-32767     
    9 LEVELID UPDATE FREQ ===> ON       Checkpoints between updates. ON or OFF   
End of change