DSNTIPA3: Data parameters panel

The entries on the DSNTIPA3 panel define the storage management preferences for the storage groups and data sets that are created during installation and migration.

For information about updating parameters with changes that cannot be made by using the panels, see Updating subsystem parameter and application default values.

Start of change
     | DSNTIPA3             INSTALL DB2 - DATA PARAMETERS PANEL                       |
     | ===>                                                                           |
     |                                                                                |
     | Check parameters and reenter to change:                                        |
     |   1 PERMANENT UNIT NAME    ==> 3390        Device type for MVS catalog and     |
     |                                            partitioned data sets               |
     |   2 TEMPORARY UNIT NAME    ==> SYSDA       Device type for temporary data sets |
     |   3 DB2 zHyperLinks SCOPE  ==> DISABLE     Scope of zHyperLinks I/O connection |
     |                                          (DISABLE, ENABLE, DATABASE, ACTIVELOG)|
     |                                                                                |
     |                                          ---------------- SMS -----------------|
     |                               VOL/SER    DATA CLASS    MGMT CLASS    STOR CLASS|
     |                               -------    ----------    ----------    ----------|
     |   4 CLIST ALLOCATION      ==>         ==>           ==>           ==>          |
     |   5 NON-VSAM DATA         ==>         ==>           ==>           ==>          |
     |   6 VSAM CATALOG, DEFAULT,==>         ==>           ==>           ==>          |
     |     AND WORK FILE DATABASE                                                     |
     |                                                                                |
     |                                                                                |
     |                                                                                |
     |                                                                                |
     |                                                                                |
     | PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information         |
     |                                                                                |
End of change