DSNTIPA1 or DSNTILA1: Main panel

The entries on the Main panel control input to and output from the installation CLIST.

When processing is complete, this panel is displayed again. The values that you enter are saved in the ISPF profile for your authorization ID and are displayed each time that you run the CLIST.

To save your panel input, you must specify an output member name in the OUTPUT MEMBER NAME field.

The DSNTINST CLIST saves the panel input into your DSNTIDxx output member just before the CLIST issues this message:
Start of change
Figure 1. Main panel: DSNTIPA1
 Will the installation/migration be performed with z/OSMF?                      
     USE Z/OSMF WORKFLOW   ===> NO       Yes or No (Yes for Provision)          
 Check parameters and reenter to change:                                        
   1 INSTALL TYPE          ===> INSTALL    Install, Migrate, Activate, Update   
                                           or Provision                         
   2 DATA SHARING          ===> NO        Yes or No (blank for Activate, Update)
 For migration only: Enter the data set and member name with the settings from  
 the previous Installation/Migration:                                           
   3 DATA SET(MEMBER) NAME ===>                                                 
 For DB2 SMP/E libraries (SDSNLOAD, SDSNMACS, SDSNSAMP, SDSNCLST, etc.), enter: 
   4 LIBRARY NAME PREFIX   ===> DSN1210                                         
   5 LIBRARY NAME SUFFIX   ===>                                                 
 For install data sets (NEW.SDSNSAMP, NEW.SDSNCLST, RUNLIB.LOAD, etc.), enter:  
   6 DATA SET NAME PREFIX  ===> DSN1210                                         
   7 DATA SET NAME SUFFIX  ===>                                                 
 Enter to set or save panel values (by reading or writing the named members):   
   8 INPUT MEMBER NAME     ===> DSNTIDXA  Default parameter values              
   9 OUTPUT MEMBER NAME    ===>           Save new values entered on panels     
 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information         
End of change

Recommended approach for new installers

If you are installing for the first time, try the following suggestions.

  • In the INSTALL TYPE field, enter INSTALL.
  • Set the PREFIX and SUFFIX fields to the values that you used when you allocated the Db2 libraries by using job DSNALLOC.
  • In the INPUT MEMBER NAME field, use DSNTIDXA (the default) for the first run. If you are using SAP, specify DSNTIDXB, the SAP-specific CLIST input member, instead. For any later runs, the CLIST sets the default input name to the prior output name.
  • Specify a value in the OUTPUT MEMBER NAME field to save your options. Specify values in the TEMP CLIST LIBRARY, CLIST LIBRARY, and SAMPLE LIBRARY fields on installation panel DSNTIPT when you want output data sets tailored.
Important: Do not run the installation jobs before tailoring them with the CLIST. If you want to update the parameters later, the CLIST sets the default input name to the prior output name.

DSNTILA1: Main panel for generating z/OSMF workflows and provisioning Db2 subsystems

When you specify USE Z/OSMF WORKFLOW ===> YES, panel DSNTILA1 opens, and the CLIST runs with a modified set of installation panels that support the generation of z/OSMF workflows. For more information about the modified panels, see Installation panels for installing or migrating with z/OSMF.

Start of changeYou can also specify INSTALL TYPE ===> PROVISION to specify that you are running the CLIST to prapare artifiacts for services that provision Db2 subsystems. For more information, see Creating artifacts for provisioning Db2 by running the installation CLIST.End of change

Start of changeWhen USE Z/OSMF WORKFLOW ===> YES is specified, INSTALL TYPE ===> UPDATE is not supported.End of change

The CLIST continues to run starting with the DSNTILA1 and the other modified panels unless and until you set USE Z/OSMF WORKFLOW ===> NO.

Start of change
Figure 2. Main panel: DSNTILA1
 Will the installation/migration be performed with z/OSMF?                      
     USE Z/OSMF WORKFLOW   ===> YES      Yes or No (Yes for Provision)          
 Check parameters and reenter to change:                                        
   1 INSTALL TYPE          ===> INSTALL    Install, Migrate, Activate, Update,  
                                           or Provision                         
   2 DATA SHARING          ===> NO        Yes or No (blank for Activate, Update)
                                                    (No for Provision)          
 For migration only: Enter the data set and member name with the settings from  
 the previous Installation/Migration:                                           
   3 DATA SET(MEMBER) NAME ===>                                                 
 For DB2 SMP/E libraries (SDSNLOAD, SDSNMACS, SDSNSAMP, SDSNCLST, etc.), enter: 
   4 LIBRARY NAME PREFIX   ===> DSN1210                                         
   5 LIBRARY NAME SUFFIX   ===>                                                 
 For install data sets (NEW.SDSNSAMP, NEW.SDSNCLST, RUNLIB.LOAD, etc.), enter:  
   6 DATA SET NAME PREFIX  ===> DSN1210                                         
   7 DATA SET NAME SUFFIX  ===>                                                 
 Enter to set or save panel values (by reading or writing the named members):   
   8 INPUT MEMBER NAME     ===> DSNTIDXA  Default parameter values              
   9 OUTPUT MEMBER NAME    ===>           Save new values entered on panels     
 PRESS:  ENTER to continue   RETURN to exit   HELP for more information  
End of change