DSNTIP7: SQL OBJECT DEFAULTS PANEL 1 The entries on the DSNTIP7 panel provide general default settings for creating table spaces. Figure 1. SQL OBJECT DEFAULTS PANEL 1: DSNTIP7 DSNTIP7 INSTALL DB2 - SQL OBJECT DEFAULTS PANEL 1 ===> Enter general options for table spaces and indexes below: 1 VARY DS CONTROL INTERVAL ===> YES Optimize VSAM CONTROL INTERVAL to page size for DS allocation 2 TABLE SPACE ALLOCATION ===> 0 Default space allocation in KB for table spaces (0 for DB2 default or 1-4194304) 3 INDEX SPACE ALLOCATION ===> 0 Default space allocation in KB for index spaces (0 for DB2 default or 1-4194304) 4 TS COMPRESSION TYPE ===> FIXED_LENGTH For creating and reorganizing compressed table spaces (FIXED_LENGTH or HUFFMAN) PRESS: ENTER to continue RETURN to exit HELP for more information