The procedure for transferring one employee to another
department and replacing that employee involves several steps.
About this task
In this scenario, John B. Geyer (manager of the department
for Support Services) is transferred to the staff of Spiffy Computer
Service Division. Bruce Adamson is assigned as manager of Support
To move Adamson into his new position as manager
of Support Services, you must determine his employee number. Transferring
an employee is a function of the organization major system.
To transfer an employee to another department:
Start the organization application and enter the following
On the MAJOR SYSTEM, enter O for organization.
On the ACTION line, enter D for display.
On the OBJECT line, enter EM for employee.
On the SEARCH CRITERIA line, enter EN for employee name.
On the DATA line, enter ADAMSON as the specific employee name.
Press ENTER to display the panel showing that Adamson's
employee number is 000150.
The next step is for you to change the manager number for
the Support Services department to Adamson's number, 000150. But first
you must find the Support Services department. To do this, change
ACTION to U (update), OBJECT to DE (department), and SEARCH CRITERIA
to DN (department name). Change DATA to %SUPPORT% to specify any department
with the word SUPPORT in it.
Press ENTER, and a list of departments with support in
their name is displayed. Support Services has line number 01. Enter
this number at DATA. (The leading zero is not needed.)
Press ENTER to display the next panel. The only values
that can be changed are department name, manager ID, and administration
department ID. Enter Adamson's employee number in the Support Services
department after MANAGER ID. At this point, the data on the manager
still pertains to Geyer.
Press ENTER to display the panel that shows Adamson as
manager of Support Services. The work department ID shown (D11) is
still Adamson's old number. To change Adamson's work department ID,
enter EM for OBJECT, enter EI for SEARCH CRITERIA, and change the
employee number to 000150 for DATA.
Press ENTER to display the employee information on Adamson.
Now that information on Adamson can be updated. The fields that can
be changed are employee first name, middle initial, last name, and
work department ID. Enter the middle initial for Adamson, which was
not in the database, and the department number E01. Press ENTER, and
the information on Adamson is updated, including his new department
The final step is to move Geyer to the correct department.
Change the SEARCH CRITERIA and DATA to EN and GEYER, respectively.
Press ENTER to obtain the next panel. The employee ID, name, and work
department ID can be changed on this panel. However, the only change
necessary in this case is to change Geyer's work department ID to
his new one, A00. The panel in the figure below shows the completed
To terminate the application and return to the beginning
of the operation, press the PF3 key.