Tools for managing Db2 for z/OS
Many different products and tools are available in the marketplace to help you manage your Db2 environments, regardless of which operating system you use.
Db2 Tools for z/OS are helpful to people who are managing a Db2 environment:
Db2 Tools for z/OS
Db2 Tools for z/OS products support the following capabilities:
- Database administration
- Navigate through database objects and perform database administration tasks on one or many objects at a time. This category also includes tools that are used to alter, migrate, and compare objects in the same or in different Db2 systems.
- Utility management
- Manage Db2 systems with high-performance utilities and automation.
- Performance management
- Monitor and tune Db2 systems and applications to obtain optimal performance and lowest cost.
- Recovery management
- Examine recovery assets and recover Db2 objects to a point in time in the event of system outage or application failure. This category also includes tools to help you manage recovery assets.
- Replication management
- Propagate data changes by capturing and applying changes to remote systems across the Db2 data servers.
- Application management
- Manage Db2 application changes with minimal effort, and build and deploy applications across the enterprise.
Many of the tools that support Db2 for z/OS provide both a graphical user interface (GUI) and an ISPF interface that allows you to perform most Db2 tasks interactively. With the ISPF interfaces integrated together, you can move seamlessly from one tool to another.