Monitoring databases
You can use the DISPLAY DATABASE command to obtain information about the status of databases and the table spaces and index spaces within each database. If applicable, the output also includes information about physical I/O errors for those objects.
monitor databases:
- Issue the DISPLAY DATABASE command as follows:
This command results in the following messages:11:44:32 DSNT360I - **************************************************** 11:44:32 DSNT361I - * DISPLAY DATABASE SUMMARY 11:44:32 * report_type_list 11:44:32 DSNT360I - **************************************************** 11:44:32 DSNT362I - DATABASE = dbname STATUS = xx DBD LENGTH = yyyy 11:44:32 DSNT397I - NAME TYPE PART STATUS PHYERRLO PHYERRHI CATALOG PIECE -------- ---- ----- --------------- --------- -------- -------- ----- D1 TS RW,UTRO D2 TS RW D3 TS STOP D4 IX RO D5 IX STOP D6 IX UT LOB1 LS RW ******* DISPLAY OF DATABASE dbname ENDED ********************** 11:45:15 DSN9022I - DSNTDDIS 'DISPLAY DATABASE' NORMAL COMPLETION
In the preceding messages:
- report_type_list indicates which options were included when the DISPLAY DATABASE command was issued.
- dbname is an 8-byte character string that indicates the database name. The pattern-matching character, *, is allowed at the beginning, middle, and end of dbname.
- STATUS is a combination of one or more status codes, delimited by commas. The maximum length of the string is 17 characters. If the status exceeds 17 characters, those characters are wrapped onto the next status line. Anything that exceeds 17 characters on the second status line is truncated.
- Optional: Use the pattern-matching character, *, in the DISPLAY DATABASE, START DATABASE, and STOP DATABASE commands. You can use the pattern-matching character in the beginning, middle, and end of the database and table space names.
- Use additional keywords to tailor the DISPLAY DATABASE
command so that you can monitor what you want:
- The keyword ONLY can be added to the command DISPLAY DATABASE.
When ONLY is specified with the DATABASE keyword but not the SPACENAM
keyword, all other keywords except RESTRICT, LIMIT, and AFTER are
ignored. Use DISPLAY DATABASE ONLY as follows:
This command results in the following messages:
11:44:32 DSNT360I - **************************************************** 11:44:32 DSNT361I - * DISPLAY DATABASE SUMMARY 11:44:32 * GLOBAL 11:44:32 DSNT360I - **************************************************** 11:44:32 DSNT362I - DATABASE = DSNDB01 STATUS = RW DBD LENGTH = 8066 11:44:32 DSNT360I - **************************************************** 11:44:32 DSNT362I - DATABASE = DSNDB04 STATUS = RW DBD LENGTH = 21294 11:44:32 DSNT360I - **************************************************** 11:44:32 DSNT362I - DATABASE = DSNDB06 STATUS = RW DBD LENGTH = 32985 11:45:15 DSN9022I - DSNTDDIS 'DISPLAY DATABASE' NORMAL COMPLETION
In the preceding messages:- DATABASE (*S*DB*) displays databases that begin with any letter, have the letter S followed by any letters, and then the letters DB followed by any letters.
- ONLY restricts the display to databases names that fit the criteria.
- The RESTRICT option of the DISPLAY DATABASE command limits the display to objects that are currently set to a restrictive status. You can additionally specify one or more keywords to limit the display further to include only objects that are set to a particular restrictive status.
- The ADVISORY option on the DISPLAY DATABASE command limits
the display to table spaces or indexes that require some corrective
action. Use the DISPLAY DATABASE ADVISORY command without the RESTRICT
option to determine when:
- An index space is in the informational COPY-pending (ICOPY) advisory status.
- A base table space is in the auxiliary-warning (AUXW) advisory status.
- The OVERVIEW option of the DISPLAY DATABASE command displays
all objects within a database. This option shows each object in the
database on one line, does not isolate an object by partition, and
does not show exception states. The OVERVIEW option displays only
object types and the number of data set partitions in each object.
OVERVIEW is mutually exclusive with all keywords other than SPACENAM,
This command results in the following messages:
DSNT360I = **************************************** DSNT361I = * DISPLAY DATABASE SUMMARY 483 * GLOBAL OVERVIEW DSNT360I = **************************************** DSNT362I = DATABASE = DB486A STATUS = RW 485 DBD LENGTH = 4028 DSNT397I = 486 NAME TYPE PARTS -------- ---- ----- TS486A TS 0004 IX486A IX L0004 IX486B IX 0004 TS486C TS IX486C IX ******* DISPLAY OF DATABASE DB486A ENDED ********************* DSN9022I = DSNTDDIS 'DISPLAY DATABASE' NORMAL COMPLETION
The display indicates that five objects are in database DB486A: two table spaces and three indexes. Table space TS486A has four parts, and table space TS486C is nonpartitioned. Index IX486A is a nonpartitioning index for table space TS486A, and index IX486B is a partitioned index with four parts for table space TS486A. Index IX486C is a nonpartitioned index for table space TS486C.
- The keyword ONLY can be added to the command DISPLAY DATABASE.
When ONLY is specified with the DATABASE keyword but not the SPACENAM
keyword, all other keywords except RESTRICT, LIMIT, and AFTER are
ignored. Use DISPLAY DATABASE ONLY as follows: