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The absolute path of the highest-level directory in the set of HFS/zFS directories that contain the Db2 for z/OS-supplied Java classes, native methods (DLLs), and samples.

Acceptable values: An HFS/zFS path name of up to 47 characters
Default: /usr/lpp/db2c10/base
Update: None
Data sharing scope: Group
DSNZPxxx: None
z/OSMF variable: DB2BASE
This directory and its subdirectories are typically managed by SMP/E. It is referenced by the DB2_BASE variable in the file specified in the JAVA ENV VAR FILE field. Verify that the directory specified here contains the following subdirectories which are used for Db2 configuration:
  • classes: Contains the DB2 base-supplied jar files.
  • lib: Contains the DB2 base-supplied DLLs.
  • samples: Contains the DB2 base-supplied sample objects.

If you do not use Java, just accept the default setting.

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