Migration step 15: Define system data sets: DSNTIJIN
When job DSNTIJIN is tailored for migration, it defines the following non-VSAM data sets: prefix.SRCLIB.DATA, prefix.RUNLIB.LOAD, and prefix.DBRMLIB.DATA.
About this task
When job DSNTIJIN is tailored for migration, it does not define data sets for new Db2 catalog and directory table spaces and indexes. Catalog and directory data sets are automatically defined by Db2 when you run job DSNTIJTC to tailor the catalog.
When migrating to Db2 12, do not use DSNTIJIN or any other job to define data sets for the Db2 catalog and directory.
To define prefix.SRCLIB.DATA, prefix.RUNLIB.LOAD, and prefix.DBRMLIB.DATA: