Migration step 22: Bind SPUFI and DCLGEN and user-maintained database activity: DSNTIJSG
Use job DSNTIJSG to bind packages for SPUFI, DCLGEN, and the EXEC SQL utility.
About this task
In migration mode, DSNTIJSG completes the following actions:
- Binds packages at the new release level for SPUFI, DCLGEN, and the EXEC SQL utility.
- Creates a new resource limit facility table, DSNRLMTnn, and a new resource limit facility index, DSNMRLnn. By default, the step that creates this new table and index is commented out in the JCL. To have Db2 create DSNRLMTnn and DSNMRLnn, uncomment the step.
- Adds new EXPLAIN tables under the SYSIBM schema.
To bind the SPUFI, DCLGEN, and the EXEC SQL packages for Db2 12, complete the following steps:
What to do next
Complete the following actions:
- Alter your Db2 12 buffer pools that have frequent page reads or frequent page writes to use PGFIX YES if you have sufficient real storage available for these buffer pools. Fixing the buffer pages in real storage once and keeping them fixed avoids the processing time that Db2 needs to fix and free pages each time there is an I/O. In some cases, this processing time can be as much as 10% for I/O-intensive workloads. To use this option, issue the following command:
Where bpname is the name of the buffer pool and vpsize is the size of the virtual pool.
If you use capabilities such as ODBC, JDBC, and others with Db2, you might need to run other jobs to migrate them for use with Db2 12, for example:
- For ODBC, see Migrating to the Db2 12 ODBC driver.
- For JDBC see Upgrading the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ to a new version.