Start of change

Migration step 14: Update Db2 address space start and language procedure definitions: DSNTIJMA, DSNTIJMW, DSNTIJMP, DSNTIJMJ

During migration to Db2 12, you must update the definitions of Db2 in SYS1.PROBLIB or the user-defined procedure library of the target z/OS system.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following task is complete: Make Db2 load modules available to TSO and batch users.

About this task

The jobs in this task rename your existing Db2 11 procedures so that they do not conflict with the Db2 12 procedures, which replace your old procedures.


To update the system procedure library for the target z/OS system for migration to Db2 12 , complete the following steps:

  1. Update the Db2 and IRLM address space startup procedures by tailoring and running job DSNTIJMA.
    Job DSNTIJMA renames and replaces the startup procedures in the target system procedure library for the following Db2 address spaces, where ssnm is the subsystem name:
    • system services address space (ssnmMSTR)
    • database services address space (ssnmDBM1)
    • DDF address space (ssnmDIST)
    • administrative task scheduler stored procedure address space (ssnmADMT)
    • IRLM address space (irlmproc)

    Examine the size of the private area on the Db2 startup procedures. If necessary, modify the procedures to satisfy the requirements for environmental descriptor manager (EDM) pool size, buffers, number of data sets open, and amount of available private address space. For more information, see Calculating working storage requirements.

    The STEPLIB concatenation of the database services address space (ssnmDBM1) procedure includes a commented-out DD for the IBM® Language Environment® data sets SCEERUN and SCEERUN2. If your system does not include SCEERUN and SCEERUN2 in the system link list, you must uncomment this DD.

  2. Update the address space startup procedures for the Db2-supplied WLM environments to by tailoring and running job DSNTIJMW.
    Job DSNTIJMW renames and replaces the following procedures in the system procedure library for WLM environments:
    • ssnmWLM for the sample WLM environment
    • ssnmWLMJ for DSNWLM_JAVA
    • ssnmWLMR for DSNWLM_REXX
    • ssnmWLM1 for DSNWLM_NUMTCB1
    • ssnmWLMU for DSNWLM_UTILS
    • ssnmWLMX for DSNWLM_XML
  3. Copy the Db2 language procedures by running job DSNTIJMP.
    Job DSNTIJMP renames and replaces the following Db2- supplied language procedures to the target system procedure library:
    • DSNHASM for preparing Db2 assembler language programs
    • DSNHC for preparing Db2 C programs
    • DSNHCPP for preparing Db2 C++ programs
    • DSNHCPP2 for preparing Db2 object-oriented C++ programs
    • DSNHICOB for preparing Db2 COBOL programs
    • DSNHPLI for preparing Db2 PL/I programs
    • DSNHFOR for preparing Db2 FORTRAN programs
    • DSNHSQL for preparing Db2 external SQL procedures
    • DSNUPROC for running Db2 Utilities

    Change any data set names that differ at your site. If you specified a data set name suffix in the DATA SET NAME SUFFIX field of DSNTIPA1, that suffix is appended to data sets &USER..DBRMLIB.DATA, &USER..RUNLIB.LOAD, and &USER..SRCLIB.DATA. To override these data set names, you must edit the updates to the target system procedure library.

    The language preparation procedures in job DSNTIJMP use the DISP=OLD parameter to enforce data integrity. However, when the installation CLIST runs, the DISP=OLD parameter for the DBRM library data set is modified to DISP=SHR. This might cause data integrity problems when you run multiple precompiler jobs. To avoid these data integrity problems, if you are not using DFSMSdfp partitioned data set extended (PDSE), you must change the language preparation procedures (DSNHICOB, DSNHICB2, DSNHFOR, DSNHC, DSNHCPP, DSNHCPP2, DSNHPLI, DSNHASM, and DSNHSQL) to specify the DISP=OLD parameter instead of the DISP=SHR parameter.

    If compiler STEPLIB statements are needed, add them.

  4. Update the environment files for the Db2-supplied Java WLM environment by tailoring and running job DSNTIJMJ.
    Job DSNTIJMJ has the following three steps that update environment files for the Db2-supplied WLM environment, DSNWLM_JAVA:
    1. Job step DSNTIJJ creates a Language Environment run-time options (JAVAENV) data set for the ssnmWLMJ address space procedure. This data set is allocated by the JAVAENV DD of the ssnmWLMJ address space procedure that is created in job DSNTIJMW.

      In this job step, review the JAVA_HOME path, which is the path where the JDK is located, and update if necessary. If you are using a 64-bit JVM, use the following path:


      Or, if you are using a 31-bit JVM, use the following path:


      You cannot specify two JDKs in a single JAVA_HOME path.

      • _CEE_ENVFILE if present, must be set to the name and path of the environment variable file that was created by job step DSNTIJR.
      • JVMPROPS needs to be set to the name and path of the JVM startup options file that was created by job step DSNTIJS.
      • DB2_BASE and JCC_HOME need to be set to the names of the HFS directories that you selected for the Db2 for z/OS and JCC product classes.

      You cannot specify two JDKs in a single JAVA_HOME path.

    2. Job step DSNTIJR creates an environment variable file in HFS.
    3. Job step DSNTIJS creates a JVM startup options file in HFS.
    4. The absolute path and name of a HFS or zFS file is passed to DSNTJMJX.
    5. DSNTJMJX checks whether the directory where this file is located exists or not. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
  5. After running job DSNTIJMJ, review the content of the Language Environment options data set and adjust the following environment variables as needed.
    The data set is created by DSNTIJMV and must be allocated by the JAVAENV DD of the address space procedure for the Db2 core WLM environment for Java routines.
    • If _CEE_ENVFILE is present, set it to the name and path of the environment variable file that was created by job step DSNTIJR.
    • Set JVMPROPS the name and path of the JVM startup options file that was created by job step DSNTIJS.
    • Set DB2_BASE and JCC_HOME to the names of the HFS directories that you selected for the Db2 for z/OS and JCC product classes.
End of change