Setting up Language Environment for stored procedures during migration

Language Environment (LE) is a component of the z/OS® operating system that establishes a common run time environment for all applications, regardless of programming language. Db2 uses Language Environment to provide a run time environment for external stored procedures and external SQL procedures.

About this task

Language Environment provides a set of essential run time services that are available through a set of interfaces that are consistent across programming languages. These services include routines for run time message handling, condition handling, and storage management.

Language Environment provides the following advantages for Db2 stored procedures:
  • Language Environment hides the differences between programming languages.
  • Language Environment provides the ability to make a stored procedure resident in the stored procedure address spaces.
  • Language Environment supports a large number of run time options, including those options that are needed to use tools to debug your stored procedures.


To set up Language Environment for stored procedures:

  1. Customize Language Environment by completing the instructions in z/OS Language Environment Customization.
  2. Specify the Language Environment run time library in the JCL startup procedure for each WLM-managed address space for stored procedures.
    This library must be the only available run time library. Do not reference any other language run time libraries within the system link list or within the STEPLIB statements. If other language run time libraries are defined in the system link list, use STEPLIB statement overrides to exclude them.

    Multiple languages can share the same Language Environment run time library. Therefore, you do not need to specify the language-specific libraries in the JCL startup procedure of each stored procedure address space.

    Restriction: Do not use compilers (or associated run time libraries) that are no longer supported by IBM®.

What to do next

After you set up Language Environment for stored procedures, you can override the Language Environment run time options for individual stored procedures. You can do this by using the RUN OPTIONS clause in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement or ALTER PROCEDURE statement. The default values for Language Environment run time options are defined by z/OS. You might have overridden some of these default values when you customized Language Environment.