The process of adding a new data sharing member involves running some of the installation
jobs. Before you run the installation jobs, tailor them to your environment by running the
installation CLIST.
To tailor the installation jobs for adding a new member:
Invoke the installation CLIST as described in Generating tailored Db2 12 installation, migration, or function level activation jobs.
- On installation panel DSNTIPA1, specify the following values:
INPUT MEMBER NAME ===> originating member's output PDS member
OUTPUT MEMBER NAME ===> new member's output PDS member
In the INPUT MEMBER NAME field, specify the same PDS member name that you specified in the OUTPUT MEMBER NAME field when you ran the CLIST to define the first (originating) member of the data sharing group.
- On installation panel DSNTIP0A, specify option 2 for adding a member.
| |
| |
| Select one. |
| 2 1. Group |
| 2. Member |
| 3. Enable |
On installation panel DSNTIPK, specify a new member name:
MEMBER NAME ===> new member name
Verify that the new member name is unique within the z/OS®
Parallel Sysplex®. Installation job DSNTIJMV edits
the ssnmMSTR startup procedure with the member name that you specify on panel
Complete the installation panels, specifying parameters according to the Db2 subsystem parameters guidelines.
Recommendation: Rename the tailored SDSNSAMP data set for each member.
This data set contains tailored JCL for each member, including jobs that are used for disabling and
re-enabling data sharing, if that should ever become necessary. If you do not rename the SDSNSAMP
data set, it is overwritten when you install a new member. Rename the data set by choosing a new
name for the prefix.NEW.SDSNSAMP data set on installation panel DSNTIPT. For
example, use prefix.member_name.SDSNSAMP.