Left outer join

A left outer join is a method of combining tables. The result includes unmatched rows from only the table that is specified before the LEFT OUTER JOIN clause.

If you are joining two tables and want the result set to include unmatched rows from only one table, use a LEFT OUTER JOIN clause or a RIGHT OUTER JOIN clause. The matching is based on the join condition.

The clause LEFT OUTER JOIN includes rows from the table that is specified before LEFT OUTER JOIN that have no matching values in the table that is specified after LEFT OUTER JOIN.

As in an inner join, the join condition can be any simple or compound search condition that does not contain a subquery reference.

Left outer join example

For this example, assume that the PARTS and PRODUCTS tables contain the following rows:

          PARTS table                             PRODUCTS table
PART      PROD#   SUPPLIER              PROD#     PRODUCT        PRICE
=======   =====   ============          =====     ===========    =====
WIRE      10      ACWF                  505       SCREWDRIVER    3.70
OIL       160     WESTERN_CHEM          30        RELAY          7.55
MAGNETS   10      BATEMAN               205       SAW            18.90
PLASTIC   30      PLASTIK_CORP          10        GENERATOR      45.75

To include rows from the PARTS table that have no matching values in the PRODUCTS table, and to include prices that exceed 10.00, run the following query:

       AND PRODUCTS.PRICE>10.00;

The result table looks similar to the following output:

PART        SUPPLIER       PROD#     PRODUCT        PRICE
=======     ============   =====     ==========     =====
WIRE        ACWF           10        GENERATOR      45.75
MAGNETS     BATEMAN        10        GENERATOR      45.75
PLASTIC     PLASTIK_CORP   30        -----------  -------
BLADES      ACE_STEEL      205       SAW            18.90
OIL         WESTERN_CHEM   160       -----------  -------

A row from the PRODUCTS table is in the result table only if its product number matches the product number of a row in the PARTS table and the price is greater than 10.00 for that row. Rows in which the PRICE value does not exceed 10.00 are included in the result of the join, but the PRICE value is set to null.

In this result table, the row for PROD# 30 has null values on the right two columns because the price of PROD# 30 is less than 10.00. PROD# 160 has null values on the right two columns because PROD# 160 does not match another product number.