Types of tables

In Db2, you store user data in tables. Db2 supports several types of tables, each of which has its own purpose and characteristics.

Db2 supports the following types of tables:

accelerator-only table
A table that stores rows only in the accelerator, not in Db2. The table and column definition of the accelerator-only table is contained in Db2 catalog tables. Any queries that reference the accelerator-only table, must be executed in the accelerator. If a query that references an accelerator-only table is not eligible for query acceleration, an error is issued. To change the contents of an accelerator-only table, the data change statement must be executed in the accelerator.
archive table
A table that stores rows that are deleted from another table.
archive-enabled table
A table that has an associated archive table. When rows are deleted from an archive-enabled table, Db2 can automatically insert those rows into an archive table.
auxiliary table
A table created with the SQL statement CREATE AUXILIARY TABLE and used to hold the data for a column that is defined in a base table.
base table
The most common type of table in Db2. You create a base table with the SQL CREATE TABLE statement. The Db2 catalog table, SYSIBM.SYSTABLES, stores the description of the base table. The table description and table data are persistent. All programs and users that refer to this type of table refer to the same description of the table and to the same instance of the table.
clone table
A table that is structurally identical to a base table. You create a clone table by using an ALTER TABLE statement for the base table that includes an ADD CLONE clause. The clone table is created in a different instance of the same table space as the base table, is structurally identical to the base table in every way, and has the same indexes, before triggers, and LOB objects. In the Db2 catalog, the SYSTABLESPACE table indicates that the table space has only one table in it, but SYSTABLESPACE.CLONE indicates that a clone table exists. Clone tables can be created only in a partition-by range or partition-by-growth table space that is managed by Db2. The base and clone table each have separate underlying VSAM data sets (identified by their data set instance numbers) that contain independent rows of data.
empty table
A table with zero rows.
history table
A table that is used to store historical versions of rows from the associated system-period temporal table.
materialized query table
A table, which you define with the SQL CREATE TABLE statement, that contains materialized data that is derived from one or more source tables. Materialized query tables are useful for complex queries that run on large amounts of data. Db2 can precompute all or part of such queries and use the precomputed, or materialized, results to answer the queries more efficiently. Materialized query tables are commonly used in data warehousing and business intelligence applications.

Several Db2 catalog tables, including SYSIBM.SYSTABLES and SYSIBM.SYSVIEWS, store the description of the materialized query table and information about its dependency on a table, view, or function. The attributes that define a materialized query table tell Db2 whether the table is:

  • System-maintained or user-maintained.
  • Refreshable: All materialized tables can be updated with the REFRESH TABLE statement. Only user-maintained materialized query tables can also be updated with the LOAD utility and the UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE SQL statements.
  • Enabled for query optimization: You can enable or disable the use of a materialized query table in automatic query rewrite.

Materialized query tables can be used to improve the performance of dynamic SQL queries. If Db2 determines that a portion of a query could be resolved using a materialized query table, the query might be rewritten by Db2 to use the materialized query table. This decision is based in part on the settings of the CURRENT REFRESH AGE and the CURRENT MAINTAINED TABLE TYPES FOR OPTIMIZATION special registers.

result table
A table that contains a set of rows that Db2 selects or generates, directly or indirectly, from one or more base tables in response to an SQL statement. Unlike a base table or a temporary table, a result table is not an object that you define using a CREATE statement.
sample table
One of several tables shipped with the Db2 licensed program that contains sample data. Many examples in this information are based on sample tables.
temporal table
A table that records the period of time when a row is valid.

Db2 supports two types of periods, which are the system period (specifed by a SYSTEM_TIME clause) and the application period (specified by a BUSINESS_TIME clause). The system period consists of a pair of columns with system-maintained values that indicates the period of time when a row is valid. The application period consists of a pair of columns with application-maintained values that indicates the period of time when a row is valid.

system-period temporal table
A system-period temporal table is a base table that is defined with system-period data versioning. You can modify an existing table to become a system-period temporal table by specifying the ADD PERIOD SYSTEM_TIME clause on the ALTER TABLE statement. After creating a history table that corresponds to the system-period temporal table, you can define system-period data versioning on the table by issuing the ALTER TABLE ADD VERSIONING statement with the USE HISTORY table clause.
application-period temporal table
An application-period temporal table is a base table that includes an application period (specified by a BUSINESS_TIME clause). You can modify an existing table to become an application-period temporal table by specifying the ADD PERIOD BUSINESS_TIME clause on the ALTER TABLE statement.
bitemporal table
A bitemporal table is a table that is both a system-period temporal table and an application-period temporal table. You can use a bitemporal table to keep application period information and system-based historical information. Therefore, you have a lot of flexibility in how you query data, based on periods of time.
temporary table
A table that is defined by the SQL statement CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE or DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE to hold data temporarily. Temporary tables are especially useful when you need to sort or query intermediate result tables that contain many rows, but you want to store only a small subset of those rows permanently.
created global temporary table
A table that you define with the SQL CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement. The Db2 catalog table, SYSIBM.SYSTABLES, stores the description of the created temporary table. The description of the table is persistent and shareable. However, each individual application process that refers to a created temporary table has its own distinct instance of the table. That is, if application process A and application process B both use a created temporary table named TEMPTAB:
  • Each application process uses the same table description.
  • Neither application process has access to or knowledge of the rows in the other application instance of TEMPTAB.
declared global temporary table
A table that you define with the SQL DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement. The Db2 catalog does not store a description of the declared temporary table. Therefore, the description and the instance of the table are not persistent. Multiple application processes can refer to the same declared temporary table by name, but they do not actually share the same description or instance of the table. For example, assume that application process A defines a declared temporary table named TEMP1 with 15 columns. Application process B defines a declared temporary table named TEMP1 with five columns. Each application process uses its own description of TEMP1; neither application process has access to or knowledge of rows in the other application instance of TEMP1.
XML table
A special table that holds only XML data. When you create a table with an XML column, Db2 implicitly creates an XML table space and an XML table to store the XML data.

These different types of tables differ in other ways that this topic does not describe.