Tailoring Db2 subsystem parameters for stored procedures during installation (optional)

Several subsystem parameters should be tailored to your Db2 environment before you use stored procedures. These parameters were set when you installed or migrated Db2. If you are satisfied with those values, you do not need to complete this step.

About this task

The subsystem parameters for stored procedures are:


To modify the values of these subsystem parameters, complete one of the following tasks:

  • Run the installation CLIST again in INSTALL or MIGRATE mode. On the installation panels, leave most of the existing values and change the following fields on their respective panels:
    1. On panel DSNTIPA1, specify the input member that contains field values for your current installation.
    2. On panel DSNTIPT, specify different names for the TEMP CLIST LIBRARY and SAMPLE LIBRARY fields to avoid overwriting your original libraries.
    3. On panel DSNTIPX, add or change the values of the MAX ABEND COUNT, TIMEOUT VALUE, MAX OPEN CURSORS, and MAX STORED PROCS fields as appropriate.
    4. On panel DSNTIPY, specify a name for the REMOTE LOCATION field. Db2 uses this name for the stored procedure sample applications.
  • Edit job DSNTIJUZ to add or change values for the subsystem parameters for routines.

    This method has the following disadvantages:

    • Db2 does not use these new values for any future migrations because your DSNTIDxx member and DSNTIJUZ parameters are not saved for future input.
    • Db2 does not generate the sample jobs for stored procedure and user-defined functions because you are not running the DSNTINST CLIST.