Migrating existing data sets to a solid-state drive
You can migrate Db2-managed data sets from a hard disk drive (HDD) to a solid-state drive (SSD).
About this task
For user-managed data sets, you are responsible for defining and copying the data sets to an SSD. However, whether the data sets are Db2-managed or user-managed, all volumes that can contain secondary extents should have the same drive type as the drive type of the primary extent volume. In addition, you must define all of the pieces of a multi-piece data set on volumes that have the same drive type.
To migrate Db2-managed data sets to an SSD:
- Use DSN1COPY to move data sets from an HDD to an SSD. The drive type is found by Db2 the next time that you open the data set.
- Issue the ALTER STOGROUP statement. For data sets that are
managed by SMS, use the ALTER STOGROUP statement to change DATACLAS,
MGMTCLAS, or STORCLAS to identify the new SSD volumes. For data sets
that are not managed by SMS, use the ALTER STOGROUP statement to add
volumes that contain SSD and drop volumes that contain HDD.
The storage group should be homogenous and contain either all SSDs or all HDDs. The data set is moved to the new SSD volume at the next REORG after the alter operation.
Using the ALTER STOGROUP statement has an availability advantage over using the CREATE STOGROUP statement, because the ALTER TABLESPACE USING STOGROUP statement must stop the object before the alter operation can succeed. If you cannot make an existing storage group homogenous, you must use the CREATE STOGROUP statement to define the storage groups to contain SSD volumes.