Adding a second BSDS

If you are migrating a Db2 subsystem that has only one bootstrap data set (BSDS), add second BSDS to before you migrate.

About this task

A second BSDS simplifies recovery in most situations. With a second BSDS, you can continue working in many cases that otherwise require recovery and restart. The required storage is small, and the data set is relatively inactive.

Important: If you do not add a second BSDS, add TWOBSDS=NO in the DSN6LOGP macro.


To add a second BSDS, complete the following steps:

  1. Run job DSNTIJUZ to set the TWOBSDS=YES parameter in the DSN6LOGP macro.
    For more information, see Job DSNTIJUZ: define the Db2 data-only subsystem parameter module.

    You might receive message GIM65001W when you run steps DSNTLOG and DSNTIMQ, or you might receive a return code of 4 when you run step DSNTIMQ. You can ignore these messages.

    If DSNTIJUZ fails or abends, correct the problem and rerun the job, using the same subsystem parameter name.

  2. Define a second BSDS. Use the VDSNTISAM BSDS definition in job DSNTIJIN as an example.
    For more information, see Job DSNTIJIN.
  3. Add a //BSDS2 DD statement to the DSN1MSTR Db2 startup procedure.
  4. Issue a RECOVER BSDS command to establish the dual BSDS.
    For more information, see -RECOVER BSDS command (Db2).