Altering Db2 views
To alter a view, you must drop the view and create a new view with your modified specifications.
To drop and re-create a view:
- Issue the DROP VIEW SQL statement.
- Commit the drop. When you drop a view, Db2 also drops the dependent views.
- Re-create the modified view using the CREATE VIEW SQL statement.
What to do next
Attention: When you drop a view, Db2 invalidates
packages that are dependent on the view and revokes the privileges
of users who are authorized to use it. Db2 attempts
to rebind the package the next time it is executed, and you receive
an error if you do not re-create the view.
To tell how much rebinding and reauthorizing is needed if you drop a view, see the following table.
Catalog table | What to check |
SYSIBM.SYSPACKDEP | Packages dependent on the view |
SYSIBM.SYSVIEWDEP | Views dependent on the view |
SYSIBM.SYSTABAUTH | Users authorized to use the view |