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Identifying applications that are incompatible with catalog updates

Before you activate a Db2 function level, you might need to use the CATMAINT utility to tailor the catalog for the target function level. You can identify applications, activities, and Db2 resources that might be incompatible with catalog migrations and updates and take appropriate actions beforehand to minimize the possibility of a failed catalog update.


To identify applications that might interfere with a catalog update, take one of the following actions:

  • Issue the DISPLAY BLOCKERS command, which displays locks and claims that active threads hold against specified databases.
    You can use the optional DETAIL keyword to receive additional report information about each lock or claim.
  • Invoke the BLOCKING_THREADS built-in function, which returns a table that contains one row for each lock or claim that threads hold against specified databases.

What to do next

If incompatible applications exist, take one of the following actions:
  • Terminate any active threads that hold locks or claims against the specified databases. For more information, see Canceling threads.
  • Run the CATMAINT utility during a time window when the incompatible applications are not running.
  • Schedule a planned outage for running the CATMAINT utility.
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