Setting up support for external SQL procedures

If you plan to create external SQL procedures by using DSNTPSMP or IBM Data Studio, you need to complete some additional setup. Alternatively, you can write your own JCL to create external SQL procedures, in which case you do not need to complete this setup.

Before you begin

Deprecated function: External SQL procedures are deprecated and not as fully supported as native SQL procedures. For best results, create native SQL procedures instead. For more information, see Creating native SQL procedures and Migrating an external SQL procedure to a native SQL procedure.

About this task

DSNTPSMP is a REXX stored procedure that you can use to create and prepare external SQL procedures. DSNTPSMP is also used by IBM Data Studio to create external SQL procedures. When DSNTPSMP is invoked, Db2 uses the DSNTPSMP REXX EXEC, which is in the prefix.SDSNCLST data set.


To set up support for external SQL procedures:

  1. If DSNTPSMP does not already exist, run job DSNTIJRT to create this stored procedure.
  2. Install Db2 REXX Language Support.
  3. Set up a WLM environment in which to run DSNTPSMP and create a WLM startup procedure.
    Recommendation: If you do not have a WLM environment defined to run DSNTPSMP, use the core WLM environment DSNWLM_REXX.