Core WLM environments for Db2-supplied routines

Definitions for core WLM environments are provided as recommended initial environments for running Db2-supplied routines. You can use Db2 core WLM environments to model additional WLM environments as you tune your subsystem for maximum performance of the Db2-supplied routines that you use.

Use job DSNTIJRW to define each of these environments with the parameters below, including any changes that are applicable to your site. Alternatively, you can use the provided IWMARIN0 ISPF tool to define these environments. These Db2 core WLM environments are intended as a starting point, not as the optimal environments in which to run the Db2-supplied routines. Over time, you will identify routines for your site that function best in a separate WLM environment.

Installation job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for each of the core WLM environments. The WLM environment address space names have the form ssnmWLMsuffix, where ssnm is the Db2 subsystem name specified on panel DSNTIPM in the SUBSYSTEM NAME field, and suffix is a character that differentiates the various WLM environments. Running DSNTIJMV adds these procedures to the system PROCLIB that you specified on panel DSNTIPW in the SYSTEM PROCEDURES field.

In the description of each environment below, the following terms are used:
The maximum number of procedures or functions that can run concurrently in the WLM-established stored procedure address space. The NUMTCB setting for the environment is the maximum appropriate setting for at least one of the routines that should be run in that environment. Other routines that run in the environment may tolerate a higher NUMTCB setting.
Whether the external module for one or more routines that are recommended to run in the environment must run under control of the z/OS® authorized program facility (APF). Yes means that all libraries allocated by the STEPLIB DD must be APF-authorized. No means that at least one library allocated by the STEPLIB DD is not APF-authorized. Not all routines that are recommended to run in an APF-authorized environment necessarily require APF authorization. ADMIN_UPDATE_SYSPARM and DSNTPSMP must run in an environment that is not APF-authorized.
Special DDs
Any special data sets, libraries, or work files that are required by at least one of the routines that are recommended to run in the environment. These are in addition to the standard requirement of STEPLIB DD.

WLM environments

This environment is appropriate for stored procedures that are provided for the Unified Debugger tool. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_DEBUGGER that is called DSNWLMD. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMD.
DSNWLM_DEBUGGER has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized No
Special DDs: This DD is optional:
  • PSMDEBUG which is commented out in normal use. Uncomment it to activate debug tracing.
Other considerations:
  • This environment might have a high refresh rate when debug diagnostics are activated.
  • The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is appropriate for DSNACICS, the Db2 CICS® transaction invocation stored procedure. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_DSNACICS that is called DSNWLMC. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMC.
DSNWLM_DSNACICS has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized Yes
Special DDs: This DD is optional:
  • DSNDUMP, which is commented out in normal use. Uncomment it to cause DSNACICS to generate an SVC dump when DSNACICS will generate an error message. When this DD is used, allocate it to output class for system dumps.
Other considerations:
  • The CICS SDFHEXCI library must be allocated by the STEPLIB DD.
  • The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is appropriate for most Db2-supplied routines. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_GENERAL that is called DSNWLMG. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMG.
DSNWLM_GENERAL has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized Yes
Special DDs: None
Other considerations: The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is appropriate for most Db2-supplied Java™ routines. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_JAVA that is called DSNWLMJ. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMJ.
DSNWLM_JAVA has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized No
Special DDs: These DDs are required:
  • JAVAENV allocates a data set that contains Language Environment® run time options for Java stored procedures. The presence of this DD statement indicates to Db2 that the WLM environment is for Java routines. For an interpreted Java routine, this data set must contain the environment variable JAVA_HOME. This environment variable indicates to Db2 that the WLM environment is for interpreted Java routines. JAVA_HOME also specifies the highest-level directory in the set of directories that contain the Java SDK.
  • JSPDEBUG allocates a data set in which Language Environment puts run time diagnostics.
Other considerations: Start of changeBy default, the DSNWLMJ startup procedure for DSNWLM_JAVA runs program DSNX9WLM, which is the WLM address space initialization program for a 31-bit JVM. If your JAVA_HOME variable specifies a path to a 64-bit JVM, such as /usr/lpp/java/8.0_64, you need to change DSNX9WLM in the EXEC statement to DSNX9WJM. For more information, see WLM address space startup procedure for Java routines.End of change

The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside. If you are running your Java stored procedures in 64-bit JVMs, the recommended NUMTCB is 25.

This environment is appropriate for running Db2 IBM MQ functions. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_MQSERIES that is called DSNWLMM. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMM.
DSNWLM_MQSERIES has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized No
Special DDs: None
Other considerations:
  • IBM MQ run time libraries must be allocated by the STEPLIB DD if they are not included in the system link list. Example:
    //        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.SCEERUN
    //        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT
    //        DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.SDSNLOAD
    //* Uncomment the following if not included in the LINKLIST
    //*       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.SCSQLOAD
    //*       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.SCSQAUTH
    //*       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=prefix.SCSQANL
  • The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is for Db2-supplied routines that must run serially. If a routine must run serially, it cannot share a task control block (TCB) with another routine. Routines that should run in this environment require a maximum TCB setting of 1 but have no other special DD requirements. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_NUMTCB1 that is called DSNWLM1. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLM1.
DSNWLM_NUMTCB1 has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized Yes
Special DDs: None
Other considerations: The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is appropriate for Db2-supplied routines that are registered to RACF® program control or an equivalent and can therefore be loaded only with other similar routines. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_PGM_CONTROL that is called DSNWLMP. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMP.
DSNWLM_PGM_CONTROL has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized Yes
Special DDs: None
Other considerations: The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is primarily appropriate for the ADMIN_UPDATE_SYSPARM and DSNTPSMP stored procedures. However, it can be shared with the other Db2-supplied REXX stored procedures: DSNTBIND, ADMIN_COMMAND_DSN, and ADMIN_INFO_SYSLOG. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_REXX that is called DSNWLMR. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMR.
DSNWLM_REXX has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized No
Special DDs: See Special DDs for DSNWLM_REXX.
Other considerations:
  • The TSO/E DYNAMNBR parameter must indicate the number of system resources the system should hold for possible reuse.
  • The STEPLIB DD must allocate at least one library that is not APF-authorized.
  • The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
Special DDs for DSNWLM_REXX
  • SYSEXEC allocates the prefix.SDSNCLST library. This data set is where the Db2-supplied REXX routines reside.
  • SYSTSPRT allocates an output data destination for messages from the TSO/E command processor.
  • SQLDBRM allocates the data set for DBRMs created by running the DSNTPSMP stored procedure, and for DBRMs of packages that are bound by running the DSNTPSMP and DSNTBIND stored procedures.
  • SQLCSRC allocates the data set for storing generated C code created by running DSNTPSMP.
  • SQLLMOD allocates the data set for storing load modules created by running DSNTPSMP.
  • SQLLIBC allocates C header files used by DSNTPSMP for compiling SQL procedures.
  • SQLLIBL allocates include files used by DSNTPSMP for link editing external modules for SQL procedures.
  • SYSMSGS allocates the message file for the IBM® Language Environment pre-link editor.
  • CFGTPSMP (optional) allocates a site-provided sequential data set or member, used to define customized operation of DSNTPSMP in this application environment.
  • SQLSRC allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a fixed block record format, a logical record length of 80, and a block size of 23440.
  • SQLPRINT allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a variable block record format, a logical record length of 137, and a block size of 23476.
  • SQLTERM allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a variable block record format, a logical record length of 137, and a block size of 23476.
  • SQLOUT allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a variable block record format, a logical record length of 137, and a block size of 23476.
  • SQLCPRT allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a variable block record format, a logical record length of 137, and a block size of 23476.
  • SQLUT1 allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a fixed block record format, a logical record length of 80, and a block size of 23440.
  • SQLUT2 allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a fixed block record format, a logical record length of 80, and a block size of 23440.
  • SQLCIN allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. Do not specify a DCB for allocating this work file.
  • SQLLIN allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a fixed block record format, a logical record length of 80, and a block size of 3200.
  • SYSMOD allocates a work file that is used by DSNTPSMP. This work file needs to have a fixed block record format, a logical record length of 80, and a block size of 23440.
  • SQLDUMMY is required, but must be allocated to DUMMY.
  • ZPMDFLTS allocates a library member that contains the names of data sets that are used by ADMIN_UPDATE_SYSPARM. ADMIN_UPDATE_SYSPARM dynamically allocates and deallocates these data sets.
This environment is appropriate for Db2 utilities stored procedures, which require special DD allocations. These routines require a maximum NUMTCB setting of 1. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_UTILS that is called DSNWLMU. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMU.
DSNWLM_UTILS has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized Yes
Special DDs: These DDs are required:
  • UTPRINT allocates a data set for messages from the sort program.
  • RNPRIN01 allocates a data set for messages from the sort program. This DD is required only if you plan to invoke RUNSTATS and collect distribution statistics.
  • STPRIN01 allocates a data set for messages from the sort program. This DD is required when a utility is directed to collect frequency statistics on at least one data-partitioned secondary index or when TABLESPACE TABLE COLGROUP FREQVAL is specified.
  • DSSPRINT allocates a data set for messages when making concurrent copies.
  • SYSIN allocates a work file for temporarily storing utility input statements
  • SYSPRINT allocates a work file for temporarily storing utility output messages.
Example:Start of change
//         DCB=(RECFM=V,LRECL=32708)
End of change
Other considerations: The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
This environment is appropriate for running Db2 web services and SOAP functions. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_WEBSERVICES that is called DSNWLMW. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMW.
DSNWLM_WEBSERVICES has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized No
Special DDs: This DD is required:
  • WSERROR allocates an HFS file for diagnostic output from the Db2 web services functions.
//WSERROR DD PATH='/tmp/wsc.err',
Ensure that "PATH" specifies a valid path name and that the specified directory structure exists.
Other considerations:
  • The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.
  • The default timeout to read data from WS provider is 2 seconds. If you need to increase the timeout value, redefine the UDFs with the following run time options:
where X is a number that specifies the timeout value in seconds.
This environment is appropriate for Db2-supplied XML processing routines that require large amounts of memory. Job DSNTIJMV creates an address space procedure for DSNWLM_XML that is called DSNWLMX. The name and library name of this procedure change according to the Db2 subsystem name that is specified on panel DSNTIPM. For example, if the subsystem name is VA1A, the procedure is named VA1AWLMX.
DSNWLM_XML has the following characteristics:
APF-authorized Yes
Special DDs: None
Other considerations: The STEPLIB DD must include DSN=prefix.SDSNEXIT or other library where the authorization exit modules (DSN3@ATH and DSN3@SGN) reside.