Routines in Db2 for z/OS: functions and procedures
A routine is an executable SQL object. The two types of routines in Db2 for z/OS are functions and stored procedures.
A function is a routine that can be invoked from within other SQL statements and that returns a value or a table.
Functions are classified as either SQL functions or external functions. SQL functions are written using SQL statements, including SQL procedural language (SQL PL). External functions reference a host language program. The host language program can contain SQL, but does not require SQL.
You define functions by using the CREATE FUNCTION statement. You can classify functions as built-in functions, user-defined functions, or cast functions that are generated for distinct types. Functions can also be classified as aggregate, scalar, or table functions, depending on the input data values, result values, and the context in which they can be invoked.
For more information, see Functions.
A procedure, also known as a stored procedure, is a routine that you can call to perform operations that can include SQL statements.
Procedures are classified as either SQL procedures or external procedures. SQL procedures contain only SQL statements, including SQL procedural language (SQL PL). External procedures reference a host language program that might or might not contain SQL statements.
Db2 for z/OS supports the following types of procedures:
- Native SQL procedures
- The procedure body is written exclusively in SQL statements, including SQL procedural language (SQL PL) statements. The procedure body is contained and specified in the procedure definition along with various attributes of the procedure. A package is generated for a native SQL procedure. It contains the procedure body, including control statements. It might sometimes also include statements generated by Db2. Each time that the procedure is invoked, the package executes one or more times.
All SQL procedures that are created with a CREATE PROCEDURE statement that does not specify the FENCED or EXTERNAL options are native SQL procedures. More capabilities are supported for native SQL procedures, they usually perform better than external SQL procedures, and no associated C program is generated for them.
For more information, see Creating native SQL procedures.
- External stored procedures
- The procedure body is an external program that is written in a programming language such as C, C++, COBOL, or Java and it can contain SQL statements. The source code for an external stored procedure is separate from the procedure definition and is bound into a package. The name of the external executable is specified as part of the procedure definition along with various attributes of the procedure. All programs must be designed to run using Language Environment. Your COBOL and C++ stored procedures can contain object-oriented extensions. Each time that the stored procedure is invoked, the logic in the procedure controls whether the package executes and how many times.
For more information, see Creating external stored procedures.
- External SQL procedures (deprecated)
- The procedure body is written exclusively in SQL statements, including SQL procedural language (SQL PL) statements. The procedure body is specified in the procedure definition along with various attributes of the procedure. A C program and an associated package are generated for an external SQL procedure. It contains the procedure body, including control statements. It might sometimes also include statements generated by Db2.Each time that the procedure is invoked, the package executes one or more times.
Native SQL procedures are more fully supported, easier to maintain, and typically perform better than external SQL procedures, which are deprecated.
For more information, see Creating external SQL procedures (deprecated).
SQL control statements are supported in SQL procedures. Control statements are SQL statements that allow SQL to be used in a manner similar to writing a program in a structured programming language. SQL control statements provide the capability to control the logic flow, declare and set variables, and handle warnings and exceptions. Some SQL control statements include other nested SQL statements.
SQL procedures provide the same benefits as procedures in a host language. That is, a common piece of code needs to be written and maintained only once and can be called from several programs.
SQL procedures provide additional benefits when they contain SQL statements. In this case, SQL procedures can reduce or eliminate network delays that are associated with communication between the client and server and between each SQL statement. SQL procedures can improve security by providing a user the ability to invoke only a procedure instead of providing them with the ability to execute the SQL that the procedure contains.
You define procedures by using the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.