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An application or SQL object attempted to use a Db2 capability that is not supported by the current application compatibility level.

Start of changeThis message is issued for a data definition statement that specifies functionality, or attempts to alter an existing object definition, that requires a higher application compatibility setting than is currently in use.End of change

If the message is issued for a CREATE TRIGGER or ALTER TRIGGER statement and the application compatibility level is V11R1 or lower, the following situations might apply:

  • The trigger body contains an SQL PL statement.
  • The trigger body contains an SQL statement that was not allowed in a trigger body in Db2 11.
  • The MODE DB2SQL clause is not present.
  • An unsupported trigger option that was not allowed in Db2 11 was specified. The only trigger options that are allowed in Db2 11 are SECURED and NOT SECURED.

This message can be issued for an ALTER statement if the CURRENT APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY special register value is lower than the application compatibility level of the existing object definition. Altering an object might result in this error even if the content of the ALTER statement is valid at the current level. The errors can occur when the existing object definition contains some functionality that requires a higher level than the CURRENT APPLICATION COMPATIBILITY special register setting.

System action

The statement cannot be processed.

Programmer response

Check the application compatibility level of your application or SQL object, and take one of the following actions:
  • Rebind the application or modify the SQL object to use an application compatibility level that supports the capability.
  • Remove use of the unsupported capability from the application or SQL object.
Tip: Start of changeFor best results, configure your development environment to use the lowest application compatibility level that the application will run at in the production environment. For dynamic SQL, remember to consider the application compatibility levels of client and NULLID packages. If you develop and test applications at a higher application compatibility level and try to run them at a lower level in production, you are likely to encounter SQL code -4743 and other errors when you deploy the applications to production.End of change

For more information, see the following topics:



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