Setting application compatibility levels for data server clients and drivers
IBM® data server clients and drivers that use Db2 for z/OS capabilities with a function level requirement of greater than V12R1M500 require extra program preparation steps.
Before you begin
Take these actions on the clients that connect to your Db2 for z/OS system:
- Determine whether you need to upgrade the data server clients or drivers to support V12R1M501 application compatibility:
- If your applications include function that requires a minimum application compatibility level of V12R1M501, you need to upgrade to Db2 Connect Version 11.1 Modification 2 Fix Pack 2 or later.
- If your applications include function that requires a minimum application compatibility level of V12R1M500 or earlier, you can use any Db2 Connect version.
The minimum data server client or driver levels for exploitation of application compatibility of V12R1M501 or later are:
- IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ: Versions 3.72 and 4.23, or later. For information on the driver versions that are delivered with each Db2 Connect version, see IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ versions and Db2 or Db2 Connect levels.
- Other IBM data server clients and drivers: Db2 for Linux®, UNIX, and Windows, Version 11.1 Modification 2 Fix Pack 2, or later.
- Run the db2connectactivate utility to activate the Version 11.1 license certificate file for Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition on Db2 for z/OS. Specify the options to bind the driver and client packages into the NULLID collection, with APPLCOMPAT V12R1M500. For example: -host -port 5021 -database STLEC1 -user dbadm -password dbadmpass -bindoptions "APPLCOMPAT V12R1M500" -collection NULLID
For more information, see:
About this task
This procedure sets the V12R1Mnnn application compatibility for a client or driver that needs to utilize server capabilities that require an application compatibility of greater than V12R1M500. If the client or driver does not utilize the capabilities of a new function level, you do not need to update its application compatibility settings.