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The IC DATA SET UNIT NAME field specifies the device type or unit name for allocating image copy data sets that are created by Db2 installation jobs.

Acceptable values: Valid device type or unit name
Default: SYSDA
Update: option 7 on panel DSNTIPB
DSNZPxxx: None

The installation CLIST assigns the value of this field as the device type for allocating image copies data sets created by Db2 installation jobs. By default, these jobs allocate image copies on disk. If the field specifies a tape device (TAPE, 3480, 3490, 3590), the installation CLIST converts these jobs to allocate the image copies on tape. Such conversion might increase the number of job steps to be processed.

In particular for installation job DSNTIJIC, the job for creating image copies of the Db2 catalog and directory the field value has the following effects:

  • Specifying a tape device causes the installation CLIST to configure the DSNTIJIC job for serial copy processing and using JCL for allocating image copy data sets. Copy data sets are named, where prefix is the value specified in the INSTALL IC PREFIX field and space-name is the name of each table space in the Db2 catalog and directory.
  • Specifying a disk device causes the installation CLIST to configure the DSNTIJIC job for parallel copy processing through Db2 utility LISTDEF statements and TEMPLATE statements for allocating image copy data sets. Copy data sets are named according to the value specified in the IC TEMPLATE EXPRESSION field.
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