Installing Db2 12

Start of changeInstalling Db2 involves running the installation jobs, connecting the facilities that allow TSO, batch, IMS, and CICS® to access Db2 resources, and preparing Db2 for use. After you complete the installation steps, function level 500 or higher is activated and available for use.End of change

Before you begin

Before you begin installing Db2, complete the following prerequisites:

  • Review the information about Db2 security with your system security administrator, and plan and implement your Db2 security environment. See in particular Defining RACF user IDs for Db2-started tasks and Permitting RACF access, which can help you plan your security environment even if you use an alternative security product. After initial installation of Db2, subsequent installation tasks and jobs require specific authorization in order to connect to Db2.
  • If you plan to have data sharing enabled (Enable option on panel DSNTIPP1), you should save all your jobs from the original installation or migration in a different data set than the enabling jobs. If you save them in prefix.NEW.SDSNSAMP, the jobs might be overwritten.
  • Use Information/Access or the ServiceLink facility of IBMLink to check the most current information about Db2 and other products. If you do not have access to IBMLink, contact IBM Support. For keyword specifications used for Preventive Service Planning (PSP), see the Db2 Program Directory.

You must not use secondary authorization IDs to perform any of the following installation steps.


To install Db2 12 for z/OS, complete the following steps:

  1. Estimate storage needs for your Db2 12 environment. For more information, see Storage requirements for Db2 for z/OS.
  2. If you are using distributed data, install TCP⁄IP, VTAM, or both. For more information, see Connecting distributed database systems .
  3. If you plan to use data sharing, set up a Parallel Sysplex®. For more information, see Parallel Sysplex requirements for Db2 data sharing.
  4. Use SMP/E to load the Db2 12 libraries. For more information, see Making the Db2 product code available.
    Remember: Start of changeIf you copy Db2 library data sets from one system to another, such as for installing a related test or production subsystem, ensure that you copy all of the Db2 library data sets to the same location. For example, if you copy the SDNSLOAD data set from one system to another but omit the DBRMLIB data set, the resulting mismatch can cause job DSNTIJRT to fail with SQLCODE -812.End of change

    If you plan to use the callable SQL interface of Db2, see Configuring Db2 ODBC and running sample applications for the additional installation jobs that you need to run. If you plan to use Db2 for z/OS Java™ Edition, you must run more installation jobs. For more information, see Installing the IBM® Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ.

  5. Provide an SMS environment for managing Db2 catalog and directory data sets.
    The SMS environment must include a data class for allocating the data sets in extended format and using extended addressability. You are not required to convert existing Db2 catalog and directory data sets to the SMS environment before migrating to Db2 12. These data sets will be converted the next time the related table space is reorganized. For information on using sample job DSNTIJSS to define an SMS environment for data sets that are associated with the Db2 catalog and directory, see Installation step 1: Define the SMS environment for Db2 catalog and directory data sets: DSNTIJSS.
  6. Generate tailored JCL jobs for installing Db2 12. For more information, see Generating tailored Db2 12 installation, migration, or function level activation jobs.
    Tip: Consider automating the remainder of the installation process by using z/OSMF work flows. For more information, see Automating Db2 installation or migration with z/OS Management Facility.
  7. Edit and run the jobs that install your Db2 Db2 12 subsystem by completing the following tasks:
  8. Enable more capabilities in your Db2 environment. For more information, see Configuring additional capabilities for Db2 for z/OS.
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What to do next

You might want to activate new capabilities that are introduced by higher Db2 12 function levels. For more information about continuous delivery and function levels in Db2 12, see the following topics:
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