Installation step 16: Tailor the Db2 catalog: DSNTIJTC
Job DSNTIJTC invokes the CATMAINT utility to tailor your Db2 12 catalog, which you must do to fully install Db2. DSNTIJTC performs site-specific tailoring of the catalog.
Before you begin
To execute DSNTIJTC, you must have the installation SYSADM or installation SYSOPR authority. The presence of the installation SYSOPR authority in the privilege set allows you to install or migrate Db2 without access to user objects.
Also, SMS must be active on the system where this Db2 subsystem is being installed. SMS must be configured to allocate all data sets for the Db2 catalog and directory in extended format and to use extended addressability.
About this task
DSNTIJTC contains the following job steps:
- Job step DSNTITC, which creates new catalog and directory objects, adds columns to existing catalog tables, and creates and updates indexes on the catalog tables to accommodate new Db2 12 objects. All IBM®-supplied objects are created or updated sequentially during the execution of this step.
- Job step DSNTIRI, which executes only when job step DSNTITC terminates abnormally or with a return code of 8 or greater. DSNTIRI rebuilds catalog indexes that were placed in REBUILD-pending status during execution of DSNTITC.
To tailor the Db2 catalog:
A status message, DSNU777I, is issued at several points to indicate progress. Diagnostic error messages are issued when CATMAINT processing fails. If a problem is found during the SQL processing phase of installation, message DSNU778I is issued. If non-supported functions are encountered, message DSNU776I is issued. All of these messages are written to the SYSPRINT data set.
Because this is the first use of Db2, errors from earlier steps might be detected here.
If you receive abend reason code 00C200EF, the catalog and directory data sets are not in a compliant SMS environment.
If you receive an abend reason code from the data manager (X'00C9'xxxx) or buffer manager (X'00C2'xxxx), carefully recheck jobs DSNTIJIN, DSNTIJID, DSNTIJIE, and DSNTIJIF.