Installation step 11: Connect Db2 to TSO
Although you can eventually connect Db2 to IMS, CICS®, or both, connecting initially only to TSO is recommended for a first-time installation.
About this task
For a first-time installation, you can run the sample applications that do not require CICS or IMS, allowing your database and system administrators to gain familiarity with the administrative facilities of this version of Db2.
If you have previously installed Db2 and are performing that task again, your database and system administrators are probably already familiar with Db2. In this case, you can connect IMS, CICS, or both, at the same time that you connect TSO. You can then run the sample applications that require CICS and IMS at the same time that you run the sample applications for TSO and batch.
To attach Db2 to TSO:
- Make Db2 load modules available to TSO and batch users.
- Make Db2 CLISTs available to TSO and batch users.
- Make PL/I options available (if applicable).
- Make panels, messages, and load modules available to ISPF and TSO.
- Connect the DB2I panels to the ISPF Main Panel.