U LOCK FOR RR/RS field (RRULOCK subsystem parameter)

When operations use repeatable read (RR) or read stability (RS) isolation levels to access a table, a specified locking method is used. The RRULOCK subsystem parameter specifies whether Db2 is to use U (UPDATE) locks or S (SHARE) locks.

Acceptable values: YES, NO
Default: YES
Update: option 32 on panel DSNTIPB
The lock mode for operations with RR or RS isolation levels is U. If your applications make frequent updates with repeatable-read isolation, the U-lock might provide greater concurrency than the S-lock. However, applications that require high concurrency are almost always more efficient if they use cursor stability (CS) isolation.
The lock mode for operations with RR or RS isolation levels is S. If the cursor in your applications includes the FOR UPDATE OF clause, but updates are infrequent, S-locks generally provide better performance.